
Last Horrible Triumph Analysis

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The Allies 2
Last Horrible Triumph At the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 German Delegate was displease with the Treaty of Versailles (in International Conciliation,, 1919). They felt the term of the treaty was humiliating especially clause 231 which stated that Germany is responsible for war. Therefore, the comment about Paris Peace Conference reflect how Germany was effected economy and a nation.
Last Horrible Triumph
Germany was seriously hurt economy by the various provision of the treaty of Versailles. The treaty insisted that Germany and her allies pay reparations to their enemy for war damages. To oversee these reparation funds a committee was appointed to collect $33 billion dollar as well as provisional payment of $5 billion. The compensation to these countries is enough to bankrupt Germany. In addition, to paying damages, some of Germany territory such as Alsace-Lorraine and given to neighboring countries. Furthermore, Germany view the treaty damaging on a global scale because they will not be able to keep up in world trade and commerce (in International Conciliation,, 1919).
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However, the treaty clearly contradictor President Wilson. It undoubtedly force Germany to take responsibility for the war and pay for damages that occur during combat. However, Wilson envision equality and peace for countries of Europe therefore pushing for human interest. would be treated equally and have common participation in economic benefits to ensure

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