
Last Leaf Chapter Summaries

Satisfactory Essays

Plot Summary • Takes place in a village called Kitammat in British Coloumbia • The main character, Lisa, who is a 19 year old teenager is the narrator of the story • The characters are Haislian, which is a type of an aboriginal culture • Book begins with Lisa waking up as her parents are getting ready to go find Jimmy, Lisa’s brother, who has been lost at sea • Jimmy was on a fishing boat with Josh, who is the uncle of his girlfriend Karaoke, when they both disappear • Both Lisa and her parents hope Jimmy survived due to his strong swimming skills • Lisa stays back with her Aunt and she reflects back on her life • Lisa narrates stories that consist of natural or supernatural elements • Many stories are told which teach the readers about all the different characters • We …show more content…

Themes 1) Grief, depression, and Isolation • Grief is shown in multiple characters o Mick grieves for the loss of his wife o Lisa grieves for the loss of Mick and Ma-ma-oo o Jimmy grieves for not completing his dream of going to the Olympics • Lisa’s period of isolation and depression leads her to a dangerous time in her life 2) Drug Addiction • Lisa, Tab, and Mick are all shown to be drug addicts; especially Lisa • Her addiction to drugs caused her to live through tragic incidents such as her rape • This added to her depression 3) Journey • Lisa is on a journey of self-discovery and she is lost • She is also on a journey to find her brother 4) Identity • Lisa does not know who she is in the world • Her gifts have taken away her identity • The story explains how she regains her identity through her journey to find Jimmy 5) Sexual harassment • Lisa gets sexually assaulted by Cheese • Karaoke gets sexually assaulted by Josh • One of the reasons why women get sexually assaulted is because of their culture and that is what Robinson was trying to touch upon 6) Revenge • Jimmy finds out that Josh raped his girlfriend and he sets out to have revenge • Ends up killing him • Revenge always ends

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