
Latino Immigrant

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Life of a Latino immigrant in the United States Immigration is a big part of the United States, although it has always been an issue since the beginning of American History, lately it has become more controversial. There are changes being put into action that are affecting many undocumented immigrants. People from all over the world come to this country to better themselves and their families; they come to the land of the free in hopes to have a better life, new economic opportunities and liberty that will allow them to succeed. Unfortunately, people have become very racist towards immigrants, even to the ones that are legal because people assume that if you’re not their race, then you must be illegal. It’s shocking to know that people …show more content…

Immigrants face many struggles, such as working jobs that other people do not want for low wages, being unable to expand their knowledge because of the language barrier. Being in a new country which language you don’t understand is very difficult because it is needed for everything, whether it’s trying to communicate in a public place, work or school. The most horrifying thing an immigrant goes through is being aware that any day or any time they can be deported, knowing that you might not be able to see a loved one again is something no one would want to wish upon anyone. Most Latino immigrants have already started a family here in the US which benefits the child because it means he or she will have more opportunities, but this also means that the parent can possibly be deported and the child left behind because of the child’s birth place. There are many problems that affect immigrant which can lead to major behavioral problems such as sadness, aggression, social withdrawals and psychosocial stressors. Constant discrimination can lead to increased risk of anxiety and depression, therefore; it can make people find a way to cope, reduce or tolerate with the stress in a healthy or …show more content…

References Cervantes, J. M., Minero, L. P., & Brito, E. (2015). Tales of survival 101 for undocumented Latina/o immigrant university students: Commentary and recommendations from qualitative interviews. Journal Of Latina/O Psychology, 3(4), 224-238. doi:10.1037/lat0000032 Hill, N. E., & Torres, K. (2010). Negotiating the American dream: The paradox of aspirations and achievement among Latino students and engagement between their families and schools. Journal Of Social Issues, 66(1), 95-112. doi:10.1111/j.1540-4560.2009.01635.x Zayas, L. H., Aguilar-Gaxiola, S., Yoon, H., & Rey, G. N. (2015). The distress of citizen-children with detained and deported parents. Journal Of Child And Family Studies, 24(11), 3213-3223.

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