
Laurent Monologue

Decent Essays

I pick up my phone and check it for the twentieth time. Why isn't he answering the phone? Please don't tell me he's kidnapped. Laurent is always getting trailed by some fans. Most of them are girls,but some are grown men and that worries me. Lau always jokes about him maybe falling for one of the male pursuers to mess with me,but he doesn't realize just how angry I get when he says things like that. Sometimes I feel like grabbing Lau by the shoulders and shaking him and yelling in his face,"Are you TRYING to make me jealous?!? Or are you just THAT oblivious?!" I know I would never get the balls to do that though. Confess,I mean,not yell. I do that enough already with no problem. Everyone knows that I suck at showing Laurent affection. I get …show more content…

He wraps his arms around me and plants sloppy kiss after sloppy kiss to my face. He goes as far as to push me to the floor,pin my hands down and kiss all over my face. He lets go of my wrists and pets my cheeks lovingly. "Oh Lar-bear! I thought you-cheesecake toothpaste bagel-would never show-Christmas stockings-up! I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I missed you. I was mad but I'm fine. As long you love me we can be FIREWORK!" I smile as my twin even as my cheeks turn red from the crowd's Aw's. I love hearing him say these things about me. And at least he isn't so drunk as to slur. He's talking really fast with a lisp,but he seems clear-headed. I stand up and pull him up with me."Come on,boo,we need to go home." He nods and leans on me. I drag him to a secluded room. I lock the door behind me. I watch as he sits down on the red heart shaped bed. He crumples forward and puts his elbows on his knees. He puts his head into his hands. He sighs. I smile. He's sobering up! Then I frown. What if he's still mad? I bite my lip,chewing on it worriedly. There's a long silence before Laurent says

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