
Lawrence Kohlberg´s Development and Moral Reasoning

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Lawrence Kohlberg was greatly influenced by Piaget, which laid the foundation for the basis of his theories of how moral and faith development is created. He hypothesized that there are six stage-like positions for the development of moral reasoning. Piaget’s focus consisted of a subject knowing and interacting with a well versed environment. Where Piaget was concerned how the person knows the world scientifically and mathematically, Kohlberg focused on how the person structured their experiences and judgments about the social world. Kohlberg also says that the sequence of the stages is universal and that the greater stages are truer than the earlier forms. According to Kohlberg, moral choice is an interpretation of a moral dilemma situation, the construction of the points of view of the various participants and affected parties, and the weighing of their respective claims, rights, duties and commitments to the good and that they are all cognitive acts. Kohlberg’s hypothesis is that morality is more predictable and expected from people in the later stages of Kohlberg’s theory. Kohlberg’s six stages are grouped in two’s, making three main levels, which are as follows: the Pre-Conventional stage, the Conventional stage, and the Post-Conventional stages. Each stage is sequential and requires one to go through each phase before moving on to the next phase. To begin with, Kohlberg’s first level is the Pre-Conventional Morality level. In this level, individuals do not fully

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