
Leadership Experience Essay examples

Satisfactory Essays

Iana Lukina
What did I learn from my leadership class?

There are lots examples of organizations in which everything seems to be done right, but something is still missing. They have no soul. There is nothing that can breathe life into the administrative system. They exist without faith, love, and hope. They are doomed to such a gray existence, unless there is a person or a team of associates who discover the essence and meaning in this frozen system. Such a person is called a leader and a role in which he operates - leadership. How do people become leaders? With experience, with age or from birth?
In order to rise to the top, you need to have everything to climb. A person, who has the courage to go forward or up, needs two things. He …show more content…

The second thing is to organize and motivate yourself. I understand how to give myself the best chance to flourish. We can make leaders from ourselves. But the main thing here is that by changing myself, I must always stay myself. You do not need necessary to wear a mask of who you want to be, even if you really want it. It will not lead to good results; you will only inflate your cheeks instead of an objective assessment of your capabilities. We need to use the full power of all the energy, talents and abilities that are given to us.
There is no need to wait for the results from reading popular psychological literature with the promising titles like "Leader for the Week", "How quickly to become a millionaire" and etc., biographies of "famous and successful." Moreover it will not be useful to visit courses, where self-styled psychologists, of course, for a large fee, are teaching people how to become successful. Objective assessment of yourselves, your capabilities, coupled with self-development and a clear statement of purpose - that is what is needed.
In order to analyze my drawbacks, to accept them (which is itself a step forward) and to uproot it, I find out the following methods: * Talk with my own inside critic. We need to listen to his comments on others and ourselves and objectively contradict him. And even better to have a notebook in which to write down everything he tells you. I should step back and look

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