I scored a 94 on the “readiness for the leadership” role assessment and I definitely agree with the interpretation of the quiz, which put in the high readiness category. I really enjoy leadership in a whole from leading and developing people or brainstorming and dreaming. Most aspects of leadership really appeal to me. I feel like I have a natural leadership and persuasiveness about me. It is not hard for me to command the attention of a room and most people choose to listen, it is never really a battle. With all that being said, there is always room for improvement, so I will be looking for ways to change my perspective on a few of the scenarios to see if I can get it up to 100%.
I chose scenario two to create and implement visions for.
◦ Vision: To become a dining experience that keeps our guests satisfied and coming back for more.
◦ Goals: To create lifelong relationships with our guest and increase repeat visits.
◦ Objectives: Increase repeat visits by 100% the first month and 20% thereafter.
◦ Tasks: Refresh staff and team on all of our guest service standards.
◦ Timeline: 4 months or 1 quarter
Follow-up and measure: We will do weekly one on ones with our team to check if what they are
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I am not in a leadership position, but being the oldest in my internship, I stepped into a leadership type role as the seasoned intern in the program. Each and everyday I have the opportunity to pour into someone new who doesn’t even know they need any type of leadership. My days are full of short conversations that have a huge impact on my peers. The best way it has been described to me is, “Douglas, you speak truth with only the thought of love behind it.” I want to see everyone around me succeed and achieve the goals they have set for themselves. I also have goals to accomplish, but for this moment in my life, I would choose to be a servant leader rather than focus on how they can help
Characteristics’ and behaviors of successful leaders are both innate and learned (DuBrin, 2013). Assessing ones personality, cognitive abilities, emotional intelligence, and behavioral characteristics assists in determining the areas in which there is opportunity to increase ones effectiveness as a leader. Utilizing the Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test, the Big Five Personality Factors, in addition to three self-assessment quizzes from the Dubrin (2013) text this paper will discuss the instruments chosen for the self-assessment and their results, personal reaction to the assessments, what the results convey regarding leadership performance, and a summary of the most significant insights gleaned from the assessment.
This paper will profile Jeff Hawkins, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for PalmOne, Inc. examining qualities that Mr. Hawkins exhibits that make him influential leader. The paper will also examine details of the business strategy that make this man an exceptional innovator and his contribution to eBusiness technology.
As an officer in the United States Army, it has been imperative for me to understand every facet of leadership and why it remains important to be an effective leader. During this course, I have learned some valuable lessons about myself as a leader and how I can improve on my leadership ability in the future. The journal entries along with the understanding of available leadership theories have been an integral part of my learning during this course. For all of the journals and assessments that I completed, I feel it has given me a good understanding of my current leadership status and my future potential as a leader. All of the specific assessments looked at several areas in regards to leadership; these assessments covered several
Both assessments were accurate in the description of my strengths and leadership style. The test results offered me tools to reinforce the strong aspects of my style without negative feedback. I will use the positive results of both assessments to align my job and goals with my natural talents. Sharing this plan with those around me will help me develop their strengths and lead to a more positive and productive environment (Rath, 2007).
Is a leader as defined in the Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, merely one who leads - synonymous with a boss? Or something more? I believe that a leader is much more than that and can be defined in any number of ways. In attempting to define a leader personally, I will use both myself and others as examples.
My leadership style is problem solver; this leadership style offers me the opportunity to utilize the knowledge and experience of my followers. I believe that I am more of this leadership style because I tend to accept input from group members when making decisions and solving problems. I do this because I feel that everyone in the group have something tangible to contribute to the group, and sometimes they might have access to key information that can help in my decision making. I take the information and put them together to use in reaching a decision, because I know that I will have the final say as the leader of the group. I believe that the group is put together
Self leadership through personal learning and reflection “provides a foundation for effective leadership skills” (Watson, 2004). The Canadian College of Health Leaders (CCHL) includes self leadership as one of it’s five core leadership competencies, which is defined as “The Lead Self” domain. As part of Leading Self, effective leaders must demonstrate: self awareness, managing self, developing self and demonstrating character. (CCHL, 2010).
To inspire and influence others, a leader must possess many skills and abilities. As motivational speaker Peter Northouse, states, “a leader should be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant” (Northouse, 2013) Moving an entire group of individuals toward a singular goal is a considerable undertaking. Without effective communication skills and a clear vision of what needs to be accomplished, one will feel like they are trying to herd cats rather than leading.
In today’s competitive world, leadership skills are crucial for both personal and professional development. Leadership is an important function of management which helps an individual or a business to maximize efficiency and to achieve goals. Leadership has different meanings to various authors.Most commonly, leadership is defined as influence, that is, the art of influencing people so that they will strive willingly and enthusiastically toward the achievement of group goals. (Koontz). Leadership is the process of influencing the activities of either formal or informal group in the task of goal setting and goal achievement. A leader is one whose magnetic personality innervates people for some cause. Not by words, but by their actions is
Many varied management and leadership philosophies exist and no single style or approach can be considered to be the ‘correct’ one. Regardless of management and leadership philosophies, self-reflection has played, and will continue to play, a significant role in the shaping of a managers leadership philosophy. Depending on the level of consciousness that a manager has in regards to self-reflection, along with how they communication their management and leadership philosophies, will affect their performance as a manager. Like all managers, my management and leadership philosophies have developed through experiences and the meaning assigned with these. The philosophies that I have previously
There are many people who have influenced me in such a way that they helped shaped my life into the person I am now. Some good, some bad, but all necessary. It would be very hard for me to remember and name them all. There are people I would like to thank God for making them a part of my life. I would like to give tribute first of all to my parents and then to my husband. My parents have always been there for me. They have been the greatest example of love, humbleness, prudence, perseverance, hard work, responsibility, self-control, and unity to name a few. I grew up in a ranch in Mexico. I was never really out there in society until I came to the United States when I was 15 years old. My social circle was always my family. We migrate, and all of the sudden a big world opens up to me in front of my eyes. I have to admit that my high school years were very difficult in the social aspect. I was a very mature teenager with lots of qualities but very shy and lacking social skills. I was in a new country with lots of people around me who didn’t speak my language. As challenging as it was, thanks to all those good things my parents taught me, I was able to do good in school. I graduated from high school. I graduated from college and started attending to the university. By this time, I was able to write English to get me through school, but hardly spoke it because I was very embarrassed and afraid.
In the changing business environment, leaders of all organisations may face unprecedented uncertainty, especially the technology advancement and changes among the employees. To survive and succeed, leaders should have some necessary attributes. Meanwhile, some changes for leadership skills have to be made to confront the challenges.
I scored an eighty-seven (87) on the How Good Are Your Leadership Skills? Self-assessment quiz, which rated my skills as excellent. This score was not surprising to me because I’ve worked hard to become the best leader possible, and leading people is something I enjoy. Motivating people to achieve or surpass a particular goal is rewarding to me.
Leadership is a term on which no one can develop a mutual consensus as it carries a different meaning for ach individual. Some people may consider a person as their leader who is capable of taking them away from hardships, some people may consider the one as their leader who is quite charismatic and can show them dreams of a bright future or some people may consider that man as a leader who can make them progress by devising wise strategies for them etc. There is, somehow, something very common in all the perspectives that are the philosophy behind the definition, which is related to choosing a best of the best person as their leader. Nobody wants to have a person as his leader who doesn’t have knowledge of the needs and aspirations of his
Quiz one measure the students readiness for a leadership role. The score I received on this quiz was a 99.The scoring rubric indicates that scores between 90-100 is subjected to a high readiness for a leadership role. I believe the reason why I scored high on this quiz is because of my outgoing personality. I enjoy communicating and networking with others. I am always willing to help and teach others in need. I believe that many of the statements on the quiz exemplify my natural personality. I am a hard worker always ready to learn and help others.