
Leadership Structures That Support A Collaborative Culture Of Professional Learning Communities

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Chapter III

Case study research is the in-depth study of instances of a phenomenon in its natural context and from the perspective of the participants involved in the phenomenon. (Gall, Gall, & Borg, 2003, p. 436)

This qualitative case study analysis was searching for themes that emerged from leadership structures that support a collaborative culture of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) in a large high school in order to inform the creation of a guide entitled Leadership Structures that Support High-Functioning, Sustainable PLCs in High Schools: A School and District Leader?s Practical Guide. Qualitative research allowed me to deeply analyze the experience of …show more content…

The research questions that guided this investigation were:
What leadership structures at the school and district level best support teacher collective efficacy in secondary schools?
Who needs to be a part of the instructional leadership team in order to support Professional Learning Communities in secondary schools?
What activities of the instructional leadership team produce high-functioning Professional Learning Communities?
This chapter presents a comprehensive overview of methodology used in this study: research design, study participants, data collection and instruments, reliability and validity, data analysis, ethical concerns, and study limitations, followed by a brief summary.
This case study provides an in-depth and rich description of School Site A. School Site A is a large high school in the Midwest area of the United States with 2,226 students. School Site A is located in a first-ring suburb of a large urban area. The school?s student demographics include: 10.5% Hispanic/Latino, 0.9% American Indian/Alaska Native, 14.5% Black/African American, 52.7% White, and 3.1% two or more races. The administrative staff is made up of one Principal Sheila, one Associate Principal Mike, two Assistant Principals: Monique and Becky and one Athletic Director. The staff at School Site A includes: 105.84 teachers, 2.00 Media Specialists, 16.20 other licensed professionals, 18.57 paraprofessionals, and 50.97 other staff, which includes

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