
Leadership Theory And Its Impact On The Achievement Of A Vision

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Chapter 12 “Leadership” beings by defining leadership. They define it as the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or set of goals. They then jump straight into many different types of theories that coincide with leadership. The first is trait theories. This theory considers personality, social, physical, or intellectual traits to differentiate leaders from nonleaders. Although, it is not very useful until matched with the Big Five Personality Framework. Some essential leadership traits are extroversion, conscientiousness, openness, and emotional intelligence (Qualified). The only one I don’t agree with so much is the extroversion part. Traits like these can predict though leadership, according to the book and …show more content…

The model uses least preferred co-worker questionnaire as an instrument that purports to measure weather a person is task or relationship oriented. It then matches the leader with the situation. Fiedler identified 3 dimensions which are leader member relations, task structure, and position power. For effective leadership it must change to a leader who fits the situation or change the situation variable to fit the current leader. Other theories in contingency theory is situational leadership theory which focuses on follower’s readiness, path-goal theory, and leader- participation model. The last theory is leader-member exchange theory. This theory supports leader’s creation of in-groups and outgroups. In “In groups”, members are similar to leader, they receive more time from the leader, and get greater responsibility and rewards. In the “out groups”, members are managed by formal rules and polices, they receive less leader attention, and more likely to retaliate against organization. The next pain point main point the book covers is the difference between charismatic and transformational leadership. Charismatic leaders have an appealing vision, have an unconventional behavior, are sensitive to followers, and take personal risk. Transformational leaders inspire followers to transcend their self-interests from the good of the organization. There are also transactional leaders, who guide their

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