
Leadership, Transformational Leadership And Leadership Approaches Essay

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Executive Summary When one thinks of leadership, they think of just one thing but there are different types of approaches to leaderships that one would not know. These types of approaches are broken up to two groups that of traditional approach and that of contemporary approach which is then broken down to smaller groups of leadership approaches. The traditional approach is broken down to three different approaches such as trait, behavior, and contingency approach in which these approaches are based upon a leader’s trait, behavior, or by both. However, one of these approaches discussed the study in which was an evaluation of principals’ behaviors by teachers. There were also differences and similarities between the three different approaches of the traditional approach which one example is that the three different approaches has gradually gain momentum since being first discovered or review in the 1940’s. Contemporary approach is also broken down into several smaller groups of leaderships but the main approach is transformational approach which is also broken down into three parts moral leadership, transformational leadership, and transactional leadership are based on the leader’s morals and beliefs. There were also differences and similarities between these approaches which one example is that contemporary approach is relevantly new but gradually raises in leadership with the focus of having shared viewpoints with others. There were also differences of between both

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