Executive Summary When one thinks of leadership, they think of just one thing but there are different types of approaches to leaderships that one would not know. These types of approaches are broken up to two groups that of traditional approach and that of contemporary approach which is then broken down to smaller groups of leadership approaches. The traditional approach is broken down to three different approaches such as trait, behavior, and contingency approach in which these approaches are based upon a leader’s trait, behavior, or by both. However, one of these approaches discussed the study in which was an evaluation of principals’ behaviors by teachers. There were also differences and similarities between the three different approaches of the traditional approach which one example is that the three different approaches has gradually gain momentum since being first discovered or review in the 1940’s. Contemporary approach is also broken down into several smaller groups of leaderships but the main approach is transformational approach which is also broken down into three parts moral leadership, transformational leadership, and transactional leadership are based on the leader’s morals and beliefs. There were also differences and similarities between these approaches which one example is that contemporary approach is relevantly new but gradually raises in leadership with the focus of having shared viewpoints with others. There were also differences of between both
This paper summarizes the article written by Cam Caldwell, Rolf D. Dixon, Larry A. Floyd, Joe Chaudoin, Johnathan Post, and Gaynor Cheokas regarding the need for a new type of leadership in today’s social work environment, defined as Transformative leadership. The article itself varies in the definition, however in a broad sense Transformative leadership is maintaining good moral standing and sound business ethics among employees and individuals inside and outside the workplace. However, in order to reach this theoretical level of business related moral and ethical leadership known as
I have also discovered that as a leader my patience with individuals can be a weakness for future tasks. For example, during required training I must get a roster with all attending soldiers’ names and information. The instructions are clearly stated that this roster must be completed by the end of the class. Consistently, there are soldiers that do not complete this simple task. My patience is short as I track them down.
Over the past twenty years, an abundant body of researches have been done to review transformational leadership and transactional leadership. Burn (1978) was the first person to introduce and conceptualize the concept of transformational leadership and transactional leadership. Bass (1985) based on Burn’s concept and deepened his notion with modifications, which stated that one of the best frameworks of leadership is transformational or transactional. Following Bass and Avolio (1994, p. 4) provided the idea of these two leaderships and generalized them into the development of global economic world. Bass and Avolio (1997) also suggested that there was no need to view transformational and transactional leadership as
Describe the role of leadership types within teams. What are some of the primary reasons teams fail? What can be done to ensure team success? Give a personal example of team success. Support your discussion with appropriate leadership theories that apply.
Management and leadership are viewed as two different perspectives in the business environment. As described by Dr. Warren Bennis ‘Managers are people who do things right, while leaders are people who do the right thing’, this means that managers do things by the set rules and follow company policy, while leaders follow their own intuition, which may in turn be of more benefit to the company.
Centuries ago, a famous Greek philosopher, Heraclitus disputed conventional wisdom that things will always stay the same. Using the flow of the river as an example, Heraclitus describes the changes that were going on the time a fluid. He challenged the Greek leadership to acknowledge these changes or risk their global dominance. Two thousand years later, modern civilization is facing the same challenges. A rapid improvement in technology compounded with an increase in global competition has given rise to the emergence of change in most major industries. One industry were change has become inevitable is the health care industry. Today, there are increasing calls from management experts to a change the health care system to one that can
Many varied management and leadership philosophies exist and no single style or approach can be considered to be the ‘correct’ one. Regardless of management and leadership philosophies, self-reflection has played, and will continue to play, a significant role in the shaping of a managers leadership philosophy. Depending on the level of consciousness that a manager has in regards to self-reflection, along with how they communication their management and leadership philosophies, will affect their performance as a manager. Like all managers, my management and leadership philosophies have developed through experiences and the meaning assigned with these. The philosophies that I have previously
Bass (Bass & Steidlmeier, 1999) condenses many of the criticisms of transformational leaders, stating that they risk succumbing to the temptation of self-promotion, since the process sometimes revolves around impression management, or controlling the flow of information to influence people’s perceptions. He purports that this is incompatible to the maturation of collaboration, consensus-building and participative decision-making, and adds that self-promotion and a focus on self-interests can shift the culture of the organization into manipulation of followers to unethical ends (Bass & Steidlmeier, 1999; Carlson & Perrewe, 1995). Bass also adds that followers can also be manipulated into losing more than they gain.
There are numerous leadership theories some give you a good foundation of how not to run an organization. While others set the tone of how an organization should be ran. Every leadership theory is useful it gives each individual insight on the type of leader they want to be whether good or bad. Some leadership theories can be combine in order to make one outstanding leader. Some of these theories that I find to be useful in the type of leader that strive to be are transformational leadership theory, charismatic leadership, ethical leadership, and servant leadership.
There are many leadership theories that discuss how different leaders lead within their agency. Transformational leadership theory says that these type of leaders have the ability to provide “innovation and change by creating an inspiring vision, shaping values, building relationships, and providing meaning for followers” (Daft, 2014). This is similar to a charismatic leader but transformational leaders recognize the follower’s needs and concerns and lead the followers to not only believe in the leader but also believe in themselves. (Daft, 2014). In Transformational Leadership and Change: How Leaders Influence Their Followers’ Motivation Through Organizational Justice they learn through their research and
An article about leadership by Forbes magazine sums it up best by saying that leadership is simply “someone who has followers” (Frobes.com, 2013). The school subject is Innovations International Charter School of Nevada (IICSN), and in this facility there is only one administrator. This administrator will be referred to as Dr.M throughout this essay. In the following essay, leadership style and application will be addressed, as well as information on systematic change. Throughout this week, systematic change has been the topic of conversation, so in this essay, there will be a discussion as to
Change is when a person does not follow their everyday routine. They may want to try something different, or be forced to. Change can be for the good and the bad. Places can deal with change ranging from the weather, to the animals present, or the seasons changing. Also, objects can deal with change too. Objects like an iceberg can start to melt, or a forest fire can kill many trees in an area. As a human, we are the ones deciding on change. We are in a position to make big decisions and possibly even become a leader in order for change to happen. If one person starts to change, others will follow and hopefully, the change benefits all.
transformation and changes in leadership styles that occurred as a result of my attendance to the
One of the topics in organizational development today is leadership. Leadership is what individuals do to mobilize other people in organizations and communities. According to Kouzes & Posner, there are five practices and ten commitments of exemplary leadership. The five practices of exemplary leadership include: Model the way, inspire a shared vision, challenge the process, enable others to act, and encourage the heart. In the Leadership Challenge, Kouzes and Posner found similar patterns and actions of leadership that created the essentials to achieve success. Utilizing the research conducted by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner, I have created a leadership plan that would apply to the Admission Department at Texas Wesleyan University.
Being able to lead a group or someone is a very powerful action. Being a leader in general is very powerful. Leadership is an art that is painted, sculpted, and displayed in all sorts of ways. There are many different styles of leadership that correspond with different tasks. From transformational leadership to laissez-faire leadership, there are various styles throughout the continuum. A transformational leader is one of the best, more successful leadership style. When going down the continuum, the leadership styles only become less effective. Everyone also falls in distinctive categories when it comes to leading others. The leadership style that is displayed depends on the person leading and those who are being led along with the task.