
Lean Manufacturing Delivers Value with Less Work by Eliminating Waste

Decent Essays

Lean Manufacturing
Lean manufacturing is an exercise that is based on waste minimization. It considers the utilization of resources for any activity other than the creating value for the customer, as waste. Basically, lean is centered on “Delivering value with less work by eliminating waste” (Liker, 1997). Lean manufacturing philosophy involves never ending efforts to reduce or eliminate 'muda' (Waste) in manufacturing processes.

Just in Time Management
Just in Time (JIT) is a production philosophy that attempts to improve business profit by reducing the inventory and inventory carrying costs. To meet this objective, the process relies on signals or ‘Kanban’ between different points. These signals tell production when to make the next …show more content…

Lean says that raw material should be directly routed to the assembly line rather than first transporting the same to a warehouse and then again picking it up to bring it on the assembly line. The Lean term for this technique is called point-of-use-storage (POUS).
• Non-Value-Added-Processing – Some Common examples of this are reworking (Due to some defects induced by earlier processes), deburring (components that are still in unfinished state which otherwise should have been cleaned before shipping), and inspecting (Parts to be inspected regularly at equal intervals in order to reduce inspecting later). The process of Value Stream Mapping is used to identify non-valued-added steps in the processes.
• Excess Inventory – This waste is related to Overproduction and inventory if kept beyond a certain level, which is needed to fulfill the demand of the customer, negatively impacts cash flow and occupies unnecessary floor space.
• Defects – Production defects and errors waste useful resources in the following ways. Firstly extra material is consumed which is later wasted. Secondly extra labor is involved to produce the component in the first place. Thirdly extra resources required to correct the defect in terms of material and labor.
• Excess Motion – Unnecessary and redundant travelling of raw material due to poor workshop layout planning and poor scheduling of

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