
Learned Helplessness Contributing to Post Traumatic Stress and Depression

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Learned Helplessness Contributing to Post Traumatic Stress and Depression


Bargai, Shakhar, and Shalev (2007) designed a correlational study to test the idea that exposure to violence facilitates learned helplessness, which may contribute to the development of mental illness in battered women. This experiment is a correlational experiment because none of the variables involved are being manipulated, they are being measured. They are measuring post traumatic stress disorder(PTSD), major depressive disorder(MDD), learned helplessness, history of physical and sexual violence, and the presence of a male dominated background. The researchers’ aim was to see if there was a correlational relationship between exposure to …show more content…

The Interviewer used the Structured Clinical interview for DSM-IV to obtain all current Axis-I diagnosis within the participants. The participants were then asked to complete a number of questionnaires and tests to determine the severity of the conditions in question. PTSD severity was measured using the Modified PTSD Scale-Self Report. Depression severity was measured using the Beck Depression Inventory. Learned Helplessness was measured using the Learned Helpless Questionnaire. The participants previous history of abuse was measured using The Trauma History Questionnaire. To determine if there had been a male dominated background, a questionnaire of six questions was developed by the researchers. It consisted of questions that determined if there was any prejudice toward women in the participants cultural attitudes, or upbringing. By comparing the overall scores of each questionnaire given, the researchers confirmed their hypothesis. The results of this study showed that PTSD and major depressive disorder was high among the battered women. Additionally, in the scores of those women who with PTSD and depression, learned helplessness was also highly correlated. The PTSD group had higher scores on all of the conditions measured (depression, learned helplessness, severity of abuse and male dominated backgrounds)

Critique: The results of this study replicates the findings of previous studies which found that PTSD and major depressive disorder are

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