
Learning To Ride A Big-Kid Bike

Decent Essays

I’ve always been an overly cautious, nervous person in every aspect of my life. I’m choosy with my friends, I’m a picky eater, and I will not do anything that could be dangerous. Even when I was a little girl, this was the case. So, learning how to ride a bike was an extremely difficult task for someone like me. My father made it his mission to be the one to teach me and considering it took days for me to get on the bike with training wheels years before, he knew teaching me how to properly ride a bike was going to be a challenge also. My dad’s sad excuse for why I needed to learn how to ride a big-kid bike was that I was going into second grade. I didn't want to seem like a baby, right? That’s what he thought at least; I didn’t care if I stayed on training …show more content…

I just wanted to get over it, take the training wheels off, and do it. I wanted to so bad, but I just couldn't will myself to do that.
“Daddy, I don’t want to fall and get hurt!” I snapped. He ignored me and kept walking as I pedalled. One house away. Ideally, my dad hoped that when he kicked one of the training wheels out from under me, I would just keep riding. He probably would've made a big deal about how he was right all along. But since my life isn’t a coming-of-age family movie, I fell right off the bike and onto the hard sidewalk. I felt betrayed. How could my father do this to me? At the time, the fall seemed a lot worse than it actually was; how could I have not broken a bone, or gotten a gash or even a scrape, or died? I was crying again, more out of shock than anything else, though. “Now you know what it’s like to fall, so you won’t be scared when it happens the next time,” My dad grinned, helping me up. I couldn't be calmed down and my dad got an earful from my mom about making me cry. Even with my dad's expert teaching, I still fell countless times, but I wasn’t scared to fall

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