There are 245 deaths from alcohol poisoning, falls, burns, and drowning. There are over 1,196 deaths in the 2009 war the people were under 21. People don't die nearly as much from alcohol poisoning, falls, burns, or drowning all put together than they do in the military but people that are 18-20 can still join the military and other things to endanger their lives. The legal drinking age should be 18 years old, at this age you can make adult decisions, put your life and reputation on the line, and can make legal decisions on your own. One can make adult decisions at age 18. At age 18, one becomes an adult and is allowed to do a lot of things that one couldn't do at any other age. Alcohol consumption can interfere with development of the young …show more content…
At age 18 people can buy cigarettes, serve a jury, pawn stuff, get married, adopt kids, and make a will. 18-year-olds are typically entering a new phase of independence from their parents through college or the workforce, and are more susceptible to binge drinking, risky sexual activity. The definition of an adult is: A person who has attained the age of maturity as specified by law. In the USA, that age is 18, and with every American's 18th birthday comes all the rights, privileges and responsibilities of becoming an adult. It includes everything the good, the bad and the ugly. Everything, that is, except for one small thing: Alcohol consumption.Making drinking legal to 18 year olds could reduce or even eliminate unsafe drinking activities.There are fewer drunk driving accidents in countries with lower drinking ages.Lowering the drinking age would eliminate the thrill of drinking.
These things are decisions made for adults and since they are 18 they can make these decisions legally.(The Pros and Cons Of Drinking At 18) At 18 you can make adult decisions, put your life and reputation on the line, and can make legal decisions on your own. The legal drinking age should be 18, at this age you are an adult and should be treated like one and have the same responsibilities. I think people that are 18 and older should be able to drink alcohol. Altho since some people at age 18 are not responsible I think anyone under 21 can't buy alcohol
Society proposes at the age of eighteen an individual is mature and responsible to make decisions without the consent of a parent or guardian. In the United States an eighteen-year-old is considered a legal adult. By law you are able to fight for your country, vote, and buy cigarettes. Some impose, giving a newly young adult the privilege to consume alcohol would enhance their responsibility as an adult. Mary Cary from
The United States’ legal age of adulthood is eighteen. A person may smoke cigarettes, vote in elections, get married, play the lottery, and join the military. If a person can make those decisions at eighteen, why not decisions on their own alcohol consumption?
Once a person reaches the age of 18, they are allowed to tattoo their bodies, smoke tobacco, gamble and even enlist if they wanted to! As an adult, they want to be treated as one but how can they feel like an adult if hanging around with their friends and drinking beer while watching TV is illegal? Of course, that does not stop them, though. The United States is one of the few countries in which still have such a high minimum drinking age. Although most people think young adults (18-year olds) are irresponsible, the minimum drinking age should be lowered to 18 because they deserve to be recognized as adults in order to avoid illegal, uncontrolled drinking and other illegal actions.
When people turn eighteen they are finally considered an adult. They can join the army, vote, buy cigarettes or tobacco products, get a tattoo and even die for our country. Although everyone considers that person to be an adult, they are still not old enough to buy or consume alcohol. A person can be responsible enough to live on their own, make their own money, pay their own bills, and yet they are still not considered old enough to purchase or consume any type of alcohol. Lowering the drinking age to 18 would help prevent the crime and personal injuries that are caused by alcohol abuse.
As said by (Guide. com), ¨18 on or before next election.”that is to be able to vote for president in Alabama. In a lot of the states it’s around the same age. So, why can you decide who is president but can’t drink? Also you can be 18 and get a tattoo. This is something that will be on your body for ever but you get to decide whether to get it or not (Csere). Also, as said by (Fritscher), to rent a hotel room in the United States you have to be 18 or older.The United States legal drinking age should be 18 because you are legally an
The drinking age in the United States is a contradiction. At the age of eighteen, one can drive a car, vote in an election, get married, serve in the military and buy tobacco products. In the United States you are legally an adult at eighteen. An eighteen-year-old, however, cannot purchase alcoholic beverages. The minimum drinking age should be lowered from twenty-one in the United States.
The legal drinking age, should it be eighteen or twenty-one? Some people argue it should be eighteen because of alcohol being a “get away” drug; others argue it should be twenty-one because of the behavior it causes. The legal drinking age should be twenty-one years old because when people turn twenty-one they cause more crime, have more risky sex, and when under the influence their decision making is impaired and bad and risky decisions are made. When people turn twenty-one, due to alcohol, studies have shown they cause more crime. When the legal drinking age goes down death rates go up for multiple kinds of death. When someone drinks even a little bit, it will cause that person to do things that he or she usually would not do.
Over the years the legal drinking in the United States has been heavily debated. Some people argue that the legal age to drink should be 18 or 19 because people are basically adults at that age, so they should be able to legally drink; while others argue that the drinking age should be 21 because they people who are able to drink are more mature and have their lives better planned out. Although people are legal adults at 18 they are not yet the mature adults some believe them to be. Before earning the right to legally drink, people should need to be fully developed and have a better knowledge of how to organize and plan their lives. The drinking age should remain at 21 because if teens were allowed to drink, they could do harm to their not
We do not hand teenagers car keys without teaching them how to drive first, so why do we expect 21-year-olds to know how to drink responsibly for the first time. Law passed by congress in 1984 leaves America to being one of four countries left in the world with its drinking age at 21, while the rest of the country 's drinking ages are 16 or 17 or has no age limit at all. As a part of turning 18 you are now considered a legal adult and are allowed to make the decision to vote, marry, buy tobacco products, buy guns and join the military. With all the freedom you gain all at 18 year olds, you are cut short of being able to make the decision to drink an alcoholic beverage. So are you really a legal adult? With many American citizens’ starting to change their views on the drinking age there has become more positive views than negative. With these opportunities given to us it is believed that the drinking age should be lowered from 21 to 18.
While Alcohol is a legal substance in our society for those 19 years of age and older, it is completely illegal for anyone under this age to drink. In moderation, it can be enjoyable to have a drink or two and there is nothing wrong with partaking in this experience as long as one is responsible and of age. Drinking beyond moderation, at any age, is where the problems come. Drinking to excess can cause liver damage, impaired decision making and can lead to devastating and irreversible consequences and possibly fatal consequences. Given that maturity is associated with better decision making, alcohol use must be restricted to those under 19. There has been research that that by changing the legal drinking age to 19 has been beneficial for Canadians and that parents should not allow or encourage drinking underage either at home or out, also it is important for parents to set good examples
At the age of 18 one is no longer considered an adolescent. At the age of 18 one has the right to vote. At the age of 18 one has the right to enlist in the military. At the age of 18 one may be called to serve jury duty. At the age of 18 one has the privilege to sign papers without parental consent. At the age of 18 one is considered an adult. But not completely. At the age of 18 one still cannot purchase or consume alcohol legally in the US. Lowering the national drinking age in the US will normalize alcohol by eliminating the thrill of breaking the law, decrease unsafe drinking activity, and will allow one to fully become an adult.
In the United States, the legal drinking age is 21+, but to join any branch of the United States military you must be 18+ unless your parents to give consent at 17. This raises the question, “Why can you fight and die for your country but not be old enough to drink?” I am going to agree with this statement, if you are legally an adult by 18 then why shouldn’t you be able to make your own decisions? The main reason every state has the age for legal alcohol consumption at 21 is because congress passed the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984. Making the legal alcohol consumption age 21 raises more problems than if it were at 18 instead.
Many negative effects come with drinking alcohol. Since teenagers’ brains are not fully developed until they are in their mid 20’s, it is especially dangerous to them. The legal alcohol age should not be eighteen because it harms the teenage brain and body, it has negative (and potentially fatal) effects on school, and it has negative effects on driving.
Alcohol isn’t as fun as it might seem. Alcohol affects the body in many ways and none of them are good. Alcohol causes blackouts, slurred speech, hallucinations, coordination, strange sensations. Many people don’t even know about half of the damage that alcohol can do to you. In 2014, there were 9,967 fatalities in motor vehicle traffic crashes involving a driver with a BAC of .08 g/dL or higher; this was 31 percent of total traf c fatalities for the year. An average of 1 alcohol-impaired- driving fatality occurred every 53 minutes in 2014. (Alcohol-Impaired Driving) The legal drinking age in the United States has been 21 since the National Minimum Drinking Age Act in 1984. When President Ronald “Just Say No” Reagan signed the act, he issued a blanket requirement
Did you know that in the year 1980 the legal drinking age was only 18? In 1987 there was a law passed that said in order to drink legally and to buy alcohol a person had to be 21. At the age of 18 people are allowed to buy tobacco, vote, get married without parental consent, and even join the armed forces, so why can’t some one who is 18 by alcohol. This is a question I have; I believe that the legal drinking age should be 18. Dr. Ruth Engs, a professor of Applied Heath Sciences at Indiana University, agrees with me also. She states, “the legal drinking age should be lowered to about 18 or 19 and young adults should be allowed to drink in controlled environments.” (Engs) These controlled places include