
Legalization Of Marijuana

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Where do marijuana strains come from? A closer look into seed banks
By Alfonzo Porter
The legalization of marijuana across several states, in America, in recent years has caused many of the nations’, and the worlds’, seed suppliers to garner much attention both in the public and the press. While much of the spotlight has been unwelcomed; specifically for an industry that has heretofore operated in the shadows, the booming legal pot industry in the United States has provided grounds for further examination into the seed banks that supply and nourish our national marijuana appetite.
At first glance, the practice of purchasing marijuana seeds from the bank of your choice might appear to be simple and straight-forward. However, it is a process …show more content…

These strains are categorized as either recreational or medicinal and contain a high concentration of cannabinoids.
Types & Varieties:
• Clone-only variety –The grower wants an identical replica of the plant. It is grown to create and maintain an exact genetic footprint. Growing conditions, however, can have a huge impact on the clone.
• Stable seed variety –This involves making a variety from a male and female plant and breeding them over the course of time. Ultimately, the goal is to have a plant with the sought after characteristics.
• Unstable seed varieties – These plants can be produced quickly and do not require breeding over multiple generations. Seed banks with a good name will typically not sell these kinds of seeds.
• Wild varieties – Refers to cannabis plants that grow wild in particular regions. They are used solely for special types of cannabis.

The best and most well known seed banks are in Europe and can be shipped worldwide. It's a scary proposition ordering cannabis seeds online for the first time, and it's important to make sure you purchase your seeds from a trusted source. Not only will this help ensure your safety and security, it also keeps you from getting caught up in a scam, conned or ripped off with poor quality seeds or swindled by not receiving any seeds at all.
Paying for your Product Online

Buying your product online comes with a number of caveats. If you are a US buyer, you

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