
Legitimacy Of The Mudarabah

Decent Essays

3.0 Legitimacy of the Mudarabah
From Al- Quran the legitimacy of mudarabah concept has been referred. Al Quran is the main guided for Muslim people of their behavior in this world. Based on Muslim believed, if someone follow what Al Quran said, then he will be rewards heaven hereafter. All of the Muslim people are being instructed by Al Quran. Besides that, legitimacy of mudarabah also based on Al Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The last is it been referred from consensus of Muslim jurists that called Ijma’.

3.1 From the Quran
The mudarabah concept is implies based on the verse of the Al- Quran.
In surah Al-Muzammil; 20 said that “…and others travelling in the earth in quest of Allah’s bounty...”(Malik, 2010). Meaning of this surah is explain that someone implies permissibility in order to seek Allah’s bounty by doing travel while in managing wealth which may take form of mudarabah concept. …show more content…

Through the medium of exchange which means for the part of the profit or to reward the effort for someone who doing work with other’s person money. This concept are not directly address the permissibility of mudarabah

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