
Les Miserables And The Kite Runner Analysis

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In Les Miserables and The Kite Runner the relationship between a father and his child is crucial to their development and growth. But their child also has a great effect on their father. In Les Miserables and The Kite Runner a big theme is a feeling of illegitimacy. In Les Miserables Jean rescues Cosette from the Thenardiers and this creates a father daughter bond that neither one questions until Marius comes along. When Marius finds out Jean is an ex-convict his tries to separate Cosette and Jean, but still honors Jean’s request to keep this from Cosette, this is the first time that Jean really feels that he is not Cosette’s actual father and has no right to keep seeing her if it is against Marius’ wishes. This creates a rift between the two because Jean feels like an illegitimate father. Things are not fixed between the two until Marius figures out that Jean is not a murderer or a thief and he allows Cosette to go to Jean’s deathbed. In The Kite Runner Amir feels estranged from Baba because he “killed” his mother in birth. Baba stresses the idea to Amir that“There is only one sin,only one. And that is theft. Every other sin is variation of theft” There constantly this underlying feeling a hatred between Baba and Amir, because Amir “stole” his mother from Baba. Some places in the book make the hatred seem very real while other places show the love Baba has for Amir was very evident. When Amir goes and rescues Sohrab from Assef in The Kite Runner it creates a trust

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