
Let Your Sloppy Insanity

Decent Essays

My dear little brother, you are one of kind and yet you stand out in so many ways. You may be neat to some people and sloppy to others. You also may be insane but, to me, you’re just a normal human being. The world like to put categories and labels on people. Though at this point of time. What matters is how yourself so when people ask you “What are you?”, you simply say “Does it matter to you I’m undefined”. In neat people vs. people, Suzanne Britt says “Sloppy people never get neat. They aim too high and wide.” With this said little brother you could never be neat. Your dreams are too high for you to come tumbling down. Though some people may say your dreams are impossible. You strive for them every day. This not only makes you sloppy …show more content…

This again is one of your sloppy attributes but that also makes you a perfectionist. Now perfection is something nobody achieves. Though overachieving is one of our family’s many habits. You can go at your own pace to make something that you want to remember you are insane in never crazy to compete with your big sister.
The World tries to define you and put you in categories. It is my job as your big sister to tell you. That you never should listen to these people a day in your life. You define you, little brother. I never really understood that till I came to college. In college, people don’t really care about where you came from. It’s about basically who you're trying to become and they help you improve on that. I always cared about what people thought of me and that was one of my sloppy moments. I always let what people said to me cloud my judgments and I never want that for you.
I finally figured out the math term undefined but for this, you apply it to your life. You are undefined, this means you are what you say you are. If you consider listening to one these people you have become very sloppy. Which should not be tolerated, and be dealt with emotionally. Be different and daring little brother because what matters to me is what you want to

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