
Letter Of Intent Template Essay

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Letter of Intent Template

HSC 4730 Health Science Research

PD/PI Name:
Ja’Terra Robinson

Florida State College at Jacksonville

Request for Proposal (RFP) from the National Institute of Health (NIH)-Choose One Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Studies for Medications Development Transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) In Semen Getting from Genes to Function in Lung Disease. X Developmental Mechanisms of Human Structural Birth Defects Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Biology and Medicine

Place an “X” in the box next to the RFP topic to which the proposed research is most relevant. Mark only one subtopic. …show more content…

There was a broad consensus for five priority areas for future research, to integrate approaches across different technologies and to include diverse populations for future human studies. There is a need for creating new collaborations with versatile teams that combine bioinformatics, genetics, molecular biology, and cell physiology.
This is a summary to discuss the direct relevance of the proposed research topic to selected subtopic. You should include the following:
-explain the problem you are trying to solve
-your basic approach to solving the problem
-what solution you expect (if any)
-the impact this will have Getting from genes to function in Lung Disease Recent results from genome wide association studies show that lung-relevant phenotype have emphasized how powerful the shortcomings are in their approach. Even though new genes and changes have been identified a large part has still been unidentified. As well as, in the disease development the function and mechanisms of how they develop the disease is still unknown. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institiute assembled a 2 day workshop to address the shortcomings and consider future directions for lung phenotypes.
· Background and rationale

The ultimate goal of the workshop was to provide recommendations to the Institiute to fill in the gaps of the knowledge of lung disease genetics by applying different approaches.The workshop covered

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