
Letter To Queen Victoria Essay

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In the text, “Letter to Queen Victoria”, written by Lin Zexu in 1839, he implores the Queen of Great Britain, Queen Victoria, to stop her subjects from selling opium to the Chinese public. Zexu does so by exemplifying the past relationship of China and Britain, by moral persuasion, and by warnings and threats. However, Lin Zexu’s assumption of calling British subjects as Barbarian and compliant to Chinese rule ineffectively persuades. First, Lin Zexu exemplify the past good relationship of China and Britain by stating that the past rulers and traditions of Britain are at peace with China, that both nations benefited from trade until Opium outbreaks throughout China’s population . Zexu states “ The kings of your honorable country by a tradition handed down from generation to generation have always been noted for their politeness and submissiveness” to exaggerate that through …show more content…

Lin Zexu stated that they “ will increase the common weal and get rid of evil”, referring to opium distribution in China. Zexu soothed Queen Victoria that if they agree to China’s condition, heaven and spirit will support her, give her a long life and fortune. In addition, he warned her that “ he who sells opium shall receive the death penalty.”Zexus, further imploring of the Queen of Britain by threats, stated: “if the merchant of your honorable country wish to enjoy trade with us on a permanent basis they must fearfully obey our law” in which penalties are decapitation or strangulation. In conclusion, the 1839 “Letter to Queen Victoria” by Lin Zexu argued that Opium is a source of evil and pain and appealed to the Queen of Great Britain to abolish sale and smuggling of opium in China. Zexu did this through exemplifying the past trading relationship of China and Great Britain, also by moral persuasion, and last by means of warnings and

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