
Levis Strauss Canada Holding an Ember: the Gwg Brand

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Q1.Why do consumers buy jeans? What is the buying decision based on?
- Jeans were invented in 1873 by Levy Strauss. Consumers’ perceptions about jeans are following:
1. Durable and extra strong-In terms of durability Jeans are considered more durable than other fabric pants .This extra strong image attracts customers for the feel of rough and tough personality.

2. Symbol of rebellion :Blue jeans were adopted as a workers’ jeans and in the 1950 they became a symbol of rebellion when stars such as Marilyn Monroe and James Dean began sporting variations of the Denim bottom

3. Manual Labor through High Fashion : In modern time a blue jeans is considered as an everyday common garment for varied occasions .It has a fashion relevancy as …show more content…

Distribution Channel:
There were six distribution channels for jeans in Canada.
Department Stores – The departmental stores like The Bay, Sears, Eatons. These stores kept 80% of jeans in price ranges up to $49.99.
Specialty Stores – The specialty stores like Thrifty’s, the Gap, Mark’s Works Wearhouse, Old Navy.
Large Mass Merchants – The large Mass merchants like Wal-Mart, Zellers. The large mass merchants generally kept jeans ranging up $29.99. Around 80% of jeans in price ranges up to $ 29.99.
Small Mass Merchants – The small mass merchant like Saan, Best value, fields, NorthWest, Gaint Tiger, Harts, Cohoes.
Others - The others consisted of Winner, Costco, outlets Stores and catalogue sales. Wal-Mart and Costco offered jeans between $ 15 and $ 20.

3. What is the context within which Klee needs to make a decision?
The dilemma that is faced by Klee here is somewhat synonymous to the one faced by the management board of General Motors in case of Oldsmobile being phased out. In this case Klee’s major concern was that where exactly does the GWG as a brand and product fit into their overall portfolio. It is pretty common for any organization to focus on its core competencies and so Klee has also advocated that they had two market leading brands in Dockers and Levi’s. Like any company they also have limited amount of marketing fund and being a part of a multinational

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