
Liberal And Permanent Provision Should Be Made For The Support Of Free Schools

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“Universal suffrage should rest upon universal education. Liberal and permanent provision should be made for the support of free schools”. This is a quote from the 19th U.S. president, Rutherford B. Hayes, during his inaugural address in 1877. He saw education as the corner stone for full economic and political participation, which would lead the nation’s people to become more prosperous. An education should be available to anyone regardless of their economical status, because no one should be withheld from their right to succeed and become productive citizens. A free college education would benefit our society in many ways, but the major ones I would like to address are higher education rates, economic advancement, and better-informed citizens. In 2015 about thirty percent of American’s who started college graduated. The main reason behind this low percentage rate is that most students are attempting to juggle the stress that comes with their college career as well as the stress that derives from their places of employment while enrolled. With this burden that is placed on students this often leads to them extending their graduation date up to two years because they cannot dedicate the required amount of time to completing their coursework. In contrast if college education was made free, the stress from work would be completely alleviated because they will no longer have to worry about working to pay for their education. This idea is not a new one as our current public

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