When my guidance counselor and I had the first conversation about college, I knew that a liberal arts curriculum was the right way to go. It would give me the ideal environment to nourish my curiosity and intellectual drive to learn about philosophy and art. Then I realised how important practising visual arts is for me. Therefore, I was on a quest to find a liberal arts college which actively encouraged the growth of my creative drives as much as other subjects.
When I stumbled across Hamilton College’s website, I saw that my ideas about an art-oriented liberal arts curriculum were exemplified. Upon reading about the opportunities offered at Hamilton, like the Wellin Museum, I could see myself living and learning there. I enjoy creating
In his essay, The New Liberal Arts, Sanford Ungar addresses common misperceptions related to a liberal arts education. He speaks to their usefulness, the employment opportunities after graduation, their value despite the cost of tuition, and other misconceptions. His overall message is, despite the recent emphasis on science, technology, engineering, and math degrees, as well as technical or vocational training, liberal arts degrees are still important and are a valid option to consider when deciding on your educational future. While his essay could easily apply to anyone with these misperceptions, it appears to be targeted directly towards students in high school or early college who are trying to decided on the direction of their education
Critical examination of the four liberal arts breadth areas, in their natural state, demonstrate that each area of study brings value and purpose to life. It is important to focus on developing weaknesses to gain fulfillment while using strengths to help others succeed.
Education is important as we develop a society of lifelong learners, but budget cuts for schools should not be at the expense of art programs. All students have unique learning styles and ways they best absorb information. To compromise that process is destructive to the success of their overall learning experience. “The Sanctuary of School” makes the reader aware of the many individuals who go through the public-school system. Barry’s essay advocates the need for funding of art programs and the supportive, creative outlets they
Higher education in modern day America has become a debated topic, with some saying that it is not worth it due to the debt it leaves upon leaving, and some saying that it opens opportunities that surpass the results of obtaining one. A resulting view from this conflict is that certain forms of education aren’t as beneficial as others. A primary example of one of these less valuable educations is the study of Liberal Arts. Author Sanford J. Ungar discredits this view in his article The New Liberal Arts where he discusses the many misconceptions that have come to form this interpretation. To convince the reader of these misunderstandings, Ungar uses the appeals of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos, with heavy appeal to logic (Logos) over the other two. Each misconception uses and focuses on more of one appeal than others, and by doing this, he is very successful in influencing the reader into considering that these misunderstandings are present.
As a recent graduate of Iowa State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Art and Design focusing on art history and education, the position as Education Coordinator and Advisor at Buena Vista University captured my attention as an opportunity to work with students through educational programming. As a recent college student, I provide a valuable perspective on academic advising through my own personal experiences. I have learned many advisors lack in truly connecting and catering to each student’s individual situation and needs. Buena Vista University, a relatively small area college, provides an opportunity to fully connect and provide personal one-on-one experience all students deserve. Subsequently, students gain the absolute most out of their college education. A large part of my career goals entail helping students of all ages engage, thrive and connect in their own individualized way.
Syracuse University’s College of Visual and Performing Arts has some of the top 10 art programs in the country, and with professors such as Sam Van Aken, the reason becomes clear.
Critical thinking means to think correctly in to find knowledge that is relevant and reliable. In terms of a liberal arts education critical thinking is crucial because a liberal arts education teaches students skills that are needed in the rapidly changing world that usually requires a lifetime of self-learning and understanding. Critical thinking is something that people usually must learn on their own; however, as a liberal arts school it is taught, so we have a better understanding of thinking critically.
At first glance, one would not expect the Technology Center to provide a place of study for some of the most creative students at USI: the art and theatre majors. The cold, hard concrete building does not seem to assist in providing any type of creative inspiration for aspiring artists. The name alone seems to imply that the building is used to train computer engineers; this is far from the truth. As an art major, the basement of this building has unwillingly become known as a second home to me. The systematic bustle of art students booking it to their next class with portfolios and art boxes in hand is a familiar sight to me. However, as I looked down the hall from my bench, I saw a completely different type of artist; I saw theatre artists.
New York City, home for many wonderful things: Broadway, Chelsea Market, independent coffee shops. But most important, New York City has New York University and its liberal arts program. NYU’s liberal arts program has the potential to not only liberally educate me but also to globally educate me.
Throughout this course, we have been asked "What is humanities"? Humanities is the study of human beings by culture, the arts including theater, dance, and music. Within the humanities there are different eras that are represented such as the information age. The Information Age is a time period in our history where the traditional industry shifted to the Industrial Revolution. The Information Age is a great example of how progressively advanced a country can be in with-in a time period. This advancement in the Information Age has a discrepancy; such as the commencement of technology and the definition of digital, new methods of interaction between different people and devices. The physical component of the Information Age is a very important
As the world becomes more specialized it raises the question, should undergraduate institutions change their curriculum requirements to better equip students? The goal of a liberal arts education is to enlighten individuals and prepare them for the complex and diverse world by requiring the study of literature, philosophy, mathematics, and sciences. As professional careers evolve into more specialized fields the argument that a liberal education is no longer needed rises. Some educators feel that future professionals would be better primed for the future by focusing specifically on subjects that deal with their intended field. However, a liberal arts education provides benefits that go beyond the classroom. The experience of studying a
My want to pursue fine arts as my area of study stemmed from my want to obtain my Bachelors in Fine Arts and help procure a future career in the art museum industry. I want to go beyond what I know to develop an array of skills that will make me an asset in the art world, developing practical and theoretical skills to learn art and design history. Being passionate, innovative, and creative in every aspect of my life I believe acted as my backbone that supported me in venturing into new things. The passionate, innovative, and creative attend The New School which is why I believe my presence as a student would be a perfect fit. Students attend higher education to become enlightened about the majors that will essentially help them become successful in their life. I believe that The New School would be an essential component educating me about fine art as well as expanding my knowledge on topics such as painting, drawing,and
Liberal Arts also nurture other hidden talents that the student might not have realize before attending that said liberal art college.
In recent discussion of the new liberty art education , a controversial issue has been weather it is efficient or not. On the one hand, some argue that liberty art education is only for those who can afford it. From this perspective, only wealthy blue blood can take such a frivolous major and waste time. On the other hand, however, other argued that it provide student with an excellent education and a demanding thinking skill. In the words of Sanford j. ungar, one of the view’s main proponents, employers are “look for more emphasis ‘on the ability to effectively communicate orally and writing’’(192). According to this view. Career major , as opposed to liberal art majors, are not fitting to bill for more as for most employers (ungar 192). In sum, then the issue is whether a liberal art degree is appropriate for all student seeking a higher education .
All types of education, whether technical or liberal, possess their own inherent merit. The distinction between the two lies in the spectrum of a particular study’s application. A higher education in any study should be encouraged because more knowledgeable individuals benefit both society and themselves through the continuation of their education. The value of one type of education does not negate the value of another. In today’s society technical studies, that is studies with a direct application in the workforce, are more widely encouraged due to the practical merit of the study. It is true that technical studies are valuable, but their value does not negate the immense value of liberal studies because of it lack of a single application. Therefore, the conjunction of both liberal and technical classes in college provides the greatest amount of benefit. Specifically, higher education in the liberal arts is the most valuable for it allowance of a broader application in every field of study and also the larger social realm because of the critical skills it helps students to develop.