
Liberalization, Conservatism, And Liberalism In The Early 19th Century

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During the 19th century, European politics were influenced by liberalism, conservatism, socialism, and nationalism. When it comes to socialism it was the third ideology of the early nineteenth century, and it rose as a reaction against the development of industrial capitalism and the liberal ideas that justified it. Socialism demands for equality, it wants to reduce inequalities of income, wealth, opportunity, and economic power. When implementing this ideology in a large country, it will only work through giving the ownership of property to the state, in which it represents the people.
“The main appeal of socialism was the prospect of remedying the deplorable social and economic effects of the industrial revolution” (). Socialists wanted society to be as productive as possible. They also objected the system of industrial capitalism in which it accompanied industrialization and the liberal economic theory that justified it. Robert Owen a utopian socialist wanted communities that posed lots of harmony and cooperation. Robert turned his mill in Scotland into a socialist community where he housed his workers and educated their children, he also established a second community in Indiana. The thing with utopian socialists was that they were not concerned with granting political rights to the workers or encourage class-consciousness. On the other hand Louis Blanc was the one that proposed that the government would in fact guarantee any workers that they would have wages

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