
Life Experiences In Life

Decent Essays

McVay.Session1. Journal
I’ve had three life experiences I feel have influenced my academic goals for the better. The first one was when I was 18 years old. I had a promising future ahead of me, but I was young and naïve. Getting married was more important than going to college. Before I knew it, we had three children under the age of four years old. I was a busy, stay-at-home mom, and I absolutely loved it. I valued the closeness I had with my kids. I dabbled a bit in home businesses to bring in extra money.
Sales sparked my interests and talents. My marriage was crumbling and I knew I needed a backup plan, so I tried to pursue school but my husband never allowed it. I lived in a controlled environment, with no room for personal growth.
The kids and I experienced verbal, emotional, and physical abuse. My marriage lasted 15 years before it came to an end. In 2010, I found myself with three kids, no house, no job, no education, and money. I was starting completely over with nothing but a high school diploma. I was kicking myself for not going to college when I was eighteen. Having someone control my life to the point that you became completely dependent on them was eye-opening. This experience taught me a lot, but it also fueled my desire to become educated and not let anyone take that away from me again. I was an advocate for any youth I was in contact with to get an education and become independent before they get married.
I spent 5 years finding out who I was while

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