
Life In The Mayan Culture

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The Mayans were a group of indians who lived in regions of Central America to Mexico. To this day, archaeologists, sociologists, and anthropologists are fascinated by the Mayan Indians early form of culture. The Mayan Indians ate very simple food, using their resources, that was easy to find and make. Maize, or corn, was the staple food of the Mayans diet. They incorporated maize into almost all of their meals because it was an easy thing to find and there was a lot of it. They used maize in muffins and pudding, and cooked maize in a pot or just ate it on the cob. In fact, maize was the most important component of daily life and religious life in the Mayans culture. Although, maize was a very important part of what the Mayans consumed, …show more content…

The Mayans believed in a large number of gods and goddesses who lived everywhere, whom they worshipped and offered human sacrifices. Based on their worship of deities, Mayan rulers were believed to be descendants of the gods and goddesses and their blood was the ideal sacrifice. The Mayans believed the gods/goddesses could help or hurt them, however they still worshipped them everyday. There were thirteen Mayan gods belonging to the thirteen of heavens of the Mayan religion and nine gods from the nine underworlds. Some of the most notable gods include Chaac – God of Rain and Thunder, Ixchel – jaguar goddess of midwifery, Ah Puch – God of Death. Natural elements such as the stars and the planets, crops, numbers, days and periods of time each had their own gods. Additionally, the Mayan vision of the universe is divided into multiple levels, above and below the earth, and positioned within the directions of north, south, east, and west. The Mayan believed in three places of existence including Heaven, Earth, and the Underworld, which all had their own gods. Earth was meant for living only. Heaven was the home of the gods. Within Heaven, the Mayan Indians believed a small piece was reserved for the afterlife. Their ancestors were believed to live in this little piece of Heaven and keep a watchful eye on their relatives who were still alive on Earth. In these ancient times, the poor buried their dead under the floor of their homes to make it easier for their ancestors to know what was going on. Although nobles were buried in tombs, they believed that they ancestors still watched over them. The Underworld or Xibalba was a place of fight where demons and sinister gods tested and tricked their visitors. If the Mayan people did not worship in the correct way, the demons from the Underworld would be released to attack them. For this reason, the Mayans lived in fear of being attacked and taken to the Underworld.

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