
Life : It Has Changed My Life

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When my family and I found out that I am diabetic, it has changed my life. Now I have to figure out how many carbs I am going to eat and I also have to watch on what I drink. When we found this out, I thought this was going be the journey of my life. I was just hoping that things weren’t going to get any worst than it was. The first day of arriving to the hospital it was just about sunrise and the streets were crowded and it was also very cold. I got my bags in the room and laid back and watched tv about every hour a new person came in and checked up on me. So I was getting pretty bored just sitting there watching tv, because there weren’t really any good shows. I just stared and kept on turning the channels so I decided to set up my Xbox. It was just about the afternoon so we ordered food and it was alright not the greatest though. There were just endless amounts of blood being drawn from my I.V.Even though it was getting pretty annoying I am not going to lie. So I watched a movie then fell asleep counting; it was practically ten o’clock. The next day I woke up at 2:00 a.m. and the nurse came in and I checked my blood sugar and then after my Mom and I went back to sleep. I woke up at about 7:00 a.m. and I checked my blood sugar, ordered food, and when the nurses came in to check my blood sugar I asked “are you able to take out my I.V.” The nurse replied “yes I can” I was so thankful that they did because it was getting to be very annoying and irritating. Basically I ate,

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