
Life Long Learning for Students with Disabilities Essay example

Decent Essays

Providing services for young students with disabilities is not negotiable. This is because, these young learners requires special care and services in their day to day activities. Developmental disability has become a common diagnosis in children these days. This disability starts during a child’s development period and may last for a life time. Special educational programs are available for children with development disabilities.
The diagnosis of developmental disabilities can be done at an early age. It is the duty of parents to take their children to a specialist who can help them in their children’s diagnosis. Specialists in healthcares are always ready to help parents in diagnosing developmental disabilities. After the …show more content…

It is funded by the federal government and offers early childhood programs for children with special needs. Many children from lower social economic areas are the most beneficiaries of the Head Start programs. The Head Start program has been giving satisfactory services to children with developmental disabilities. Children with special needs easily adapt compared to adults, therefore, transition and change is not difficult for them. Young students with disabilities are able to learn with the support of their caregivers who are adults. These children with special needs require support from adults in order to achieve the desired developmental changes.
Assessment and interventions of children with special needs has its strengths and weaknesses. Children have different development disabilities and skills that are taught to them should vary. One of the strength is that early intervention facilitates a child’s normal growth and they are able to learn skills which they would have never learnt, if not early detected. In order to improve the assessment and intervention programs, teachers and parents should evaluate students growth all the time to determine whether they are improving or not. In addition, to determine whether the intervention program is working for them or it has to be changed. In order to improve the interventions given to children with development disabilities, portfolio assessment is the

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