
Life Of Pi, By Yann Martel

Good Essays

Have you ever been in a life or death situation? If you have; then you know two sides of you come out. The positive and negative or the happy and evil. In the story Life of Pi, by Yann Martel, Pi ends up stranded in the ocean for 227 days with a tiger. He makes decisions throughout his journey on the lifeboat that affect his survival. Pi, lives with his evil side and during the journey his evil side shows through as much as his good side. When people strive for survival in life or death circumstances, they must compromise their values and come to terms with their inner evil. Pi discovers his inner evil with his first struggle for survival early on in the lifeboat. After Pi is thrown overboard onto the lifeboat he sees Richard Parker swimming …show more content…

When Richard Parker becomes hungry, with no food on the lifeboat, Pi must go against his personal morals. Pi decides to fish to satisfy the hunger of Richard Parker. As Pi cries while killing a fish, he thinks “Tear flowing down my cheeks, I egged myself on until I heard a cracking sound and no longer felt any life fighting in my hands. I pulled back the folds of the blanket. The flying fish was dead” (231). Pi, being a vegetarian all his life, finds killing a fish a moral injustice. Pi never thought of harming a fly; so killing a fish in his bare hands takes a toll on his beliefs. Pi subconsciously knows killing the fish brings him one step closer to survival. Also, when Pi stays on the lifeboat for a substantial amount of time causing his morals to rapidly damage. When Pi’s water and food start depleting all he has left to do is go fishing. Pi states “If sailors had come upon me then, I’m sure they would have thought I was a fishing god standing atop his kingdom and they wouldn’t have stopped”(247). When Pi starts bragging about his fishing skills the change in morals becomes visible. Pi goes from barely being able to catch, netherless kill a fish without breaking down into tears to being the “fishing god”. The morals take a whole alter. Pi’s beliefs spin a hundred and 80 degrees by the middle of his journey on the …show more content…

Later, Pi gets off the lifeboat and arrives on land. Two people from the boat manufacturer have questions they want answered. Pi happily tells the story involving the animals, but the gentlemen has trouble believing the story. Pi tells a story to them consisting of humans instead of animals his older morals stay consistent. When Pi tells about the suffering sailor boy he states; “When the boy wept, Mother held his head in her lap and I

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