
Life On The Boundary By Mike Rose

Decent Essays

In the book, Lives on the Boundary by Mike Rose, explains how people who immigrate to U.S. have adjusting. In U.S. there is a better education system, so many people come to the U.S. to get a better education and have more opportunities. Other countries have a bad education system and they have fewer opportunities. In the book, Mike makes good points about the education system. Mike explains how he dealt with diversity in the education system. In school, children are all taught the same thing but each student have their own strengths and weaknesses. To some student learning new thing comes easy to them. Whereas other students struggle with learning new things. Mike Rose’s believe that a teacher should go an extra mile to help students succeed in school. Teachers that care more about the students, help them succeed in life. When Mike Rose became a teacher he was understanding of the students that struggle because he could relate to them. He related to some of his students because he did not grow up with the best lifestyle. In the book, Rose talks about many people who influenced him through his life.
Many people come from different races and backgrounds. Mike Rose struggled a lot in school, he never thought he would go to college due to his background. Mike was born to a family immigrated to the U.S. His parents were immigrants from Italy that moved to Los Angeles. His parents wanted him to have a better education. Immigrants always have a hard time, when moving to another

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