
Life Values In Tattoos On The Heart By Gregory Boyle

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Tattoos on the Heart by Gregory Boyle is a very touching novel that goes through many ethical virtues that we all gain and learn from as we go through life. He often compares many values such as compassion, success, and kinship to Jesus’ own life. Boyle uses examples found in his own life through Bentito, Anthony, and the car mechanic Dennis. This is all critical to the novel because it shows how Boyle influences various people’s lives through small things such as opening their mind to new opportunities. Fr. Boyle advocates for the message of compassion in the hopes that the reader will learn the meaning of compassion from his own life experiences. As you age you go through many life experiences that teach you different lessons. One lesson I had to learn early on was how to read people. Knowing how to read people was always important because it can determine whether you and the other person can become friends or not. When I was younger I tended to close people off who didn’t have the exact same interest as me. I soon learned that life can get boring that way and that it is more fun when you make friends who push you to do things outside of your comfort zone. I realized that the friends that would push me to get on that rollercoaster I hated, or to try a new curry dish at a new restaurant made me more diverse as a person. Pushing my boundaries helped me to broaden my spectrum which allowed me to grow my kinship. This is similar to when Dennis allowed Anthony the chance to

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