
Life Without Birth Control?

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Life without Birth control ?

We all know Obama passed a law for the Affordable Care Act signed in March 2010 . The purpose of this law was to make health insurance morre affordable for those with little or no coverage. It mandates that insurers in the health insurance marketplace provide coverage for all FDA-approved birth control methods, including IUDs, with no copayment or coinsurance when provided in-network. Trump has been attacking everything since he has been in office and has now came for women birth control rights. Politicians need to realize that birth control makes life less stressful because it takes away the worries about unplanned or unprepared pregnancy. Birth control is not only good for pregnancy prevention but has helped us women in many other ways like alleviating cramps so we don’t have to endure pain and sometimes even stop periods for good or reduce the length and bleeding of our menstrual cycle and finally prevents women from having very big families. I was sixteen when I was first introduced to the concept and the options of birth control. I spent a couple weeks up to a month trying to decide which method was best for me. Considering I had very painful periods and birth control was known to ease the pain I was trying to choose the best method. To find the best method you should explore your options. Depending on your needs you should choose the one that fits you best and won’t take too much of your time. Every woman is particular in what they’re

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