
Lifekills Training Essay

Satisfactory Essays

The LifeSkills Training (LST) is a program that was developed and deigned to reduce substance abuse and violent behavior in juveniles. The program was taught in middle school by the students’ teachers. The students were taught key social and personal self-management skills. The program was successful in reducing delinquency, fighting, physical aggression and verbal aggression among adolescents. LifeSkills Training (LST) taught important social skills and how to enhance social competence. This part of the program focused on general social skills, communication skills, and verbal and non-verbal assertiveness. The students learned, studied, and practiced tools such as effective listening, making social contacts, and feeling towards others. The …show more content…

The learning theory focuses on the social group and the influence it has on the individuals. The youth can learn and adopt the behaviors and values of the people around them, by imitating older individuals that they see as role models. Anyone can be a role model to the youth, it can be family member, a celebrity or an entertainer. These role models can be drug users, heavy drinkers or they could be well-adjusted members of society. The role models can also put pressure on the youth to do things like drugs, drinking, and smoking or commit crime. But role models can also influence the youth to not do drugs, drink, and smoke or to commit crime. The child/teenager are more likely to collapse under the pressure because they don’t want to let their role model down. To combat young people from internalizing this type of inappropriate behavior, LST teaches students how to resist this type of behavior with enhanced social skills and social competence. For example, some students might have a pro-drug social influence that they are exposed to, but students of LST learn about anti-drug norms and the misperception that that everyone is using drugs. Students are then taught drug refusal

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