
Limon Summary

Decent Essays

Applied Therory:7
Anthropology is the study of society and cultures, when used by historians it can allow that historical narratives to grow. Historians can use anthropology to better explore cultural and social trends as well as deeply explore a certain community in great detail, exploring certain events that may be unique to that community along with its myths and folklore or is the community a part of a larger trend. A historian trying to write a micro history many explore the province of Limon. The province of Limon has many banana plantations that have attracted not only workers from Nicaragua and blacks from around the Caribbean. In during a micro history one could choose a plantation from this region and explore how the city around the plantation evolved. This would also provide the historian a great opportunity write an ethnography, exploring both what the culture is this region values but also how it compares to western normative. This information could help provide a narrative on how the banana industry from a culture unique to the Limon region. In some cases the historian exploring the Limon region may find that the cities surrounding the banana plantations are divided, neighborhoods could possibly be broken up in the following categories, Afro-Caribbean, Nicaraguan, Costa Rican, and white, or …show more content…

Although the various Creole languages are spoken around the Caribbean it is most likely that the one spoken in Limon is unique to the region. A historian studying this aspect of culture could write a narrative on the communication used between the various workers on the banana plantation as well as the foreman and owners. One may also study the language to understand how different groups of people formed, therefore like the example before have a better understand of how the larger communities in Limon is broken up into smaller

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