Setting- the story takes place in 1937 in Alegria consisting of many sugarcane mills, as the story progresses, the characters travel through the Dominican Republic as far as the Massacre River which borders the Dominican and Haiti, in Haiti the setting is mostly the Cap, which is the town where Yves is from, Amabelle returns to the Dominican Republic and the story ends in the Massacre River
Conflict- The major conflict in the book involves the fact that the Generalissimo wants to cleanse the Dominican Republic of Haitians even though they are needed as workers. The 1937 massacre occurs during the story as Trujillo forces the Haitians who migrated to the Dominican to be killed. The Dominicans are mainly a Spanish-speaking Catholic population while the Haitians are African and speak Creole. Trujillo sees them as a threat to the government and economy even though it is mere prejudice. He considers them inferior and kills them with extreme brutality. Language is another conflict as Haitians live and die
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The author incorporates a calm, peaceful mood throughout novel which expresses the environment of the island. She describes the quiet life at Señora Valencia’s home where Amabelle dreams peacefully about Sebastian. However, mostly the mood is evocative and powerful. Danticat brings about strong imagery and emotions to the mind as she describes the torment that Amabelle endures with the soldiers. The evocative mood is present when Joel and Rafael die and when Amabelle and Yves get well at the clinic. The author brings about powerful, haunting emotions to the reader when she writes about the drowning of Amabelle’s parents and Trujillo’s insanity. The mood is also mysterious due to the fact that whenever Amabelle reaches a body of water, her future is unclear. As the story ends, she floats in the river where her parents died, and this leaves an ambiguous, mysterious mood to the ending of the
This character was chosen to be the narrator of this story. Along with her other two friends, she tells her compelling story about her life and the reason why she left Haiti to come to live in New York. She has triumphed over the
get older they start to realize what is really going on in the Dominican Republic. This book takes you
In A Place Where the Sea Remembers, Sandra Benitez invites us into a mesmerizing world filled with love, anger, tragedy and hope. This rich and bewitching story is a bittersweet portrait of the people in Santiago, a Mexican village by the sea. Each character faces a conflict that affects the course of his or her life. The characters in this conflict are Remedios, la curandera of the small town who listens to people’s stories and gives them advice, Marta, a 16 year old teenage girl, who was raped and became pregnant. Chayo is Marta’s big sister and Calendario is Chayo’s husband. Justo Flores, his conflict is person vs. self. One of the most important conflicts in this story is person vs. person, then person vs. supernatural followed by
Within the unique culture of the Dominican Republic, the complex heritage of Arawak, Spanish, African, and French lore, is unique to the Dominican Republic compared to other Caribbean islands. Moreover, the country maintains close ties with the United States. Currently, the people of the Dominican Republic are striving to build a democracy against the unscrupulous and authoritarian politically privileged leadership. A large element that shapes Dominican national identity is its Spanish heritage. Currently in this country, light skin color, which is marked to reflect European ancestry, is valued, while dark skin tones indicate West African slave ancestry. The Roman Catholic cathedrals still are in existence and the majority of the population
In America today, there is a large and diverse African-American population. Within this population, there are several ethnic groups. The other ethnic group similar to Afro-Americans is Dominicans. Not only are they both minorities, but they also look similar as well. Both Dominicans and Afro-Americans are originally from Africa, but their slave masters separated them into two different cultures. African-Americans was African slaves of Americans, and Dominicans were African slaves of the Spanish. Hevesi of the New York Times says, "Dominican and Afro-Americans culture was formed from one ethnicity, Africans" (Hevesi 86). As a person of these two ethnic groups, I have two perceptions of my dual ethnicity. Among Afro-Americans’ and
“In the Time of the Butterflies” takes place in the Dominican Republic in the 1960s. The author, Julia Alvarez is a native of the country, but moved to the US at a young age. She first heard about the sisters roughly around 1986 and instantly felt the need to share their story with the world. In the book, Alvarez tells the story of the Mirabal sisters and their fight for freedom against the Dominican dictator Trujillo. Rafael Trujillo reigned for about 30 years until his assassination in May of 1961. Trujillo’s reign of terror began in 1930 and the violence soon followed. The self centered dictator changed the names of cities and murdered roughly about 20,000 Haitians from the neighboring country. The book not only tells the sisters’
The text recounts the events leading up to the the disappearance of Miranda, a young British girl who is struggling to deal with her mother’s sudden killing in Haiti, where she was on a work trip. The narration by the house, her twin brother Eliot, and Ore, a Nigerian girl she meets while at Cambridge leads us to find about Miranda’s pica, a desire to eat non-nutritive substances which lapses into more nefarious, vampiric desires. This is a condition that has plagued her family, particularly the
For this map project, the country of research is the Dominican Republic located in both the northern and western hemispheres in the Caribbean. The country is located on the east section of the island of Hispaniola, with the country of Haiti on the west section. The island of the Hispaniola is the second largest island of the West Indies and it is 29,418 square miles in total. The Dominican Republic's shores are dominated by the Caribbean Sea to the south and the Atlantic Ocean to the north, but its nation capital Santo Domingo is located on the southern portion of the island. The also has close surrounding neighbors which are Cuba and Puerto Rico. The main reason why the country is in my interest of research is because it’s my place of
The Dominican Republic or also known as La Republica Dominicana is a small island that is 18,816 square miles, located off the coast of Florida. The Dominicans of this land share their island with the Haitians. The island has a subtropical climate, mountains, rolling hills, and fertile river valleys. The economy is mainly dominated by sugar, which still earns much of the country's foreign exchange despite establishment of varied light industries and the development of nickel, mining and tourism. Coffee, cocoa, tobacco, and bananas are also a major export crop. But, despite their seemingly stable economy, and lush landscaping, a vast majority of the estimated 8,603,200 people that live there wish to migrate to the
Culture is the thoughts, communications, actions, beliefs, values, and institutions racial, ethnic, religious, or social groups (Jarvis, 2012, p 14). Every culture has its own view/ understanding about health care, health and illnesses. Although what might be seen as acceptable in one culture, may not be acceptable in another, regardless of where you are health care and culture will always exist. My definition of culture is the way someone lives his or her life in a daily basis; which includes things like the language one speaks in and out of the home, food one eats, music one listens to, and one religious practice. The culture I will be
This book is about the life of a black young girl, Zarite (known as Tete) that is purchased at 9 years old by Violette, a mixed race prostitute, to be the personal slave of Eugenia Garcia del Solar, the Spanish wife of Toulouse Valmorain, a French guy owner of one of the biggest sugar plantation of Saint-Domingue, that is run by black slaves. Throughout the novel, Zarite tells her story as a representation of the exploitation of slaves on the island in the eighteenth century, their lives and how they fought for freedom. “He had never thought about Tete’s sentiments; he assumed they were very limited. In
Let me start of by saying, there is no reason why anyone wouldn’t want to become a Dominican. Dominicans have strong beliefs in resurrection. Their religion customs were brought to their island by Spanish colonist. The Dominican Island is a very beautiful Island full of friendly people. The Dominican flag colors are red, blue and white, in the middle of their flag they have a bible. The culture is unique and follows an old tradition, They have a history of native Tainos and Africans which were the ones who repopulate. Dominicans influence their tourist places with Taino souvenirs. Their people love tourist, mostly Americans. Every Dominican dream for some reason is to come to the U.S. Other than the U.S. having benefits for everyone and being a multicultural country their Island is
Patria is exposed to the truth that Trujillo was not the god-like entity she perceived him to be. In Patria’s mind there is no separation between god and Trujillo; they are one. Patria is finally coming face to face with the problems within the Dominican Republic. This revelation foreshadows how Patria will become involved with the regime and what part she might play.
Through the novel, Danticat expresses this. In the chapter “Night Woman”, an unnamed woman wants her child to live freely and happily so she goes into prostitution. In “Nineteen Thirty-Seven” two different women talk about their experiences with The Massacre River of their mothers. They both talk about how generations of women have brought light and hope into their lives. In the chapter “Children of the Sea”, a young girl goes into labor, while stranded on a boat sailing to America. The sight of a new child brings hope to the people on the boat. Finally, in the story “Between the Pool and the Gardenias” a woman has experienced much loss and is hopeless. When she holds a baby in her arms, she experiences happiness and hope. These stories illustrate the idea that Haitians can find hope and strength through familial generations, both past and future. Haitians have been able to find light in the wake of disaster through the love of family, and the generations of
The dominican Republic is known as the breadbasket of the Caribbean because it grows, farms, and catches almost everything that’s served for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The Dominican Republic was the first colony founded by Christopher Columbus. It used to go by “La Hispaniola” in colonial times. Also the flag of the Dominican Republic is the only national flag in the world to feature the image of a bible. My country is the Dominican Republic. I learned about the culture, food, religion, imports and exports, geography, sports, and family. All of it was very eye opening.