
Lincoln M. Alexander Short Biography

Decent Essays

Lincoln M. Alexander was a prominent African Canadian. Lincoln was the first black Canadian MP, cabinet minister and lieutenant governor. He was born on January 21,1922. He was born to Caribbean born parents. So he was in the minority and faced lots of discrimination as a child. He attended Earl Grey Public School. There he was the only African Canadian there. Even in high school he was in the minority. Being in such a minority meant he faced lots of discrimination. So he had to fight for his dignity. Even though he faced lots of discrimination, he persevered and accomplished many things. He grew up to be known as “the greatest hamiltinion of all time”.

Lincoln’s life was very successful. In 1942 he joined the RCAF (The Royal Canadian Airforce). Even there discrimination followed him. Many times branches of the armed forces would restrict African Canadians from entering service. Lincoln served as a corporal until the end of WW II. After he retired, he went to higher education. That higher education was McMaster University. He earned a BA from there and a degree from Osgoode Hall Law School. He got these in 1953. Lincoln practiced law and was eventually appointed as Queen’s Counsel in 1965. The same year, Lincoln entered politics. He was running as Conservative MP for Hamilton west. Unfortunately, he was defeated. Three years later, he ran again and won. This …show more content…

Alexander’s legacy was very big. He was known for his sound judgement, compassion and humanity. Lincoln faced lots of racial discrimination and still managed to be so successful. He was always fighting for equal rights for all races in Canada. He was so prominent and important in Canada’s history, there was a day named after him. On the 28th of November 2013 the Legislative Assembly of Ontario declared 21 January, Lincoln Alexander day. Lincoln M. Alexander had accepted the responsibility to speak for all others who feel that they are subjects of discrimination because of race, creed or

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