
Lindsay Approach To Psychology

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As an observer, I was able to see that body language as a counselor often gets underappreciated. Lindsay was open in her body posture towards Colleen, her client, and as a result, this helped Colleen become more open with Lindsay. In addition, I learned that certain ways of saying things as a counselor can either hurt or help the process, and with Lindsay taking time to reflect certain points back to Colleen, this helped Colleen understand where her depression stemmed from. In the end, I wondered how exactly the process would have went had Lindsay not taken time to help Colleen discern where her depression stemmed from, as Colleen perhaps would not have come back a second time if she did not feel that Lindsay understood her and could make connections …show more content…

The members of the triad actually brought their best to the sessions, and this helped me bring my best as well in all of my roles. I enjoyed learning from these experiences as discussed previously, and I see this as excellent practice for when I am in a school setting as an actual school counselor. I am having a difficult time of finding something to change about my roles, but I would say that I need to be less direct at times, especially with the loving from the distance thought. As a counselor, it is important to steer clear of giving advice, even though the direct approach seemed to actually help Lindsay. From a professional perspective, as a group, we did a fantastic job as we all dressed professionally, and brought our best to the sessions as if these sessions were actually real. Everyone was on time to the triad meeting, and we introduced ourselves and closed the sessions in a positive, constructive manner. We all set up future appointments, which is something that should be done most times as …show more content…

I also confirmed the thought that many middle children tend to try their best to keep the family safe and together, even at the expense of their own selves. The fact that Lindsay is a female, and she tried her best to take care of her mother while her brothers largely did not, could speak to the notion that females are, according to societal stereotypes, the ones who are more apt to care about how others feel and try to take care of people no matter what. Society tends to view males as competitive and often not as gifted in people skills as females, so this could possibly be why Lindsay was still loving of her mother while her brothers seemed largely aloof and disconnected to

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