
Linguistics After The Military Essay

Decent Essays

How Do You Get a Job in Linguistics After the Military? In order to get a job in linguistics after the military, veteran must familiarize themselves with the current job market and employment conditions for linguists. Veterans will need to prioritize their military training and customize their unique military skills to successful find a job in linguistics after their military service. Create an Eye-catching Resume All veterans will need to translate their employment experience into civilian terms and concepts. It is a good idea to review online resumes of linguists in order to understand the standard styles and terminology. It is also wise to focus on keywords and buzzwords that are recognized by both HR professionals and HR recruitment software. Veterans should illustrate how their relevant skills training and accomplishments match the needs of the target position. If necessary, seek assistance from a career professional to brush up on your …show more content…

For example, military service teaches veterans how to handle a wide variety of personalities and management figures. Veterans can showcase their excellent interpersonal and communication skills. It is absolutely important to highlight any experience working in foreign countries and interacting with non-English speakers. Veterans who were deployed abroad must explain in detail how their first-hand experiences of communicating with foreigners will help them in their linguistics job. Other skills to be mentioned involve leadership, innovation, independence and strong attention to detail. Veterans should highlight that they are comfortable working in chaotic and fast paced environments with intense pressure. Incorporate any military recognitions and succinctly explain why these accolades matter. Update job descriptions to be a dynamic presentation of your values and

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