
Literary Analysis Of Alice Munro 's ' How I Met My Husband '

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Literary Analysis – Edie and Alice Munro’s Life Alice Munro’s short story, “How I Met My Husband” has a narrator that is one of a kind and a true reflection of the author’s lifestyle. The symbolic meaning of Edie’s role in the story can be directly related to the life Alice Munro was living and striving for herself. Edie is a 15-year-old girl who strives for marriage and affection from men, has been raised in a country/rural setting, and does poorly in obtaining a higher education due to many reasons. Just as Edie is living out this way of life in the story, Alice Munro was experiencing the same things in her real day-to-day life.
The drive for marriage and affection from men was a desire that both Edie and Munro strived for in their …show more content…

She later states in the article that she did not discover her talent for writing until she was a housewife around the age of 40. This want of being popular among the boys was reflected through the life of Edie and her affection seeking ways.
The interest shown by Chris Watters is a love that is deceptive to Edie as she is searching for a man to show her what she wants in life. “Do you have to go so soon” (Kennedy 207)? shows that he cares for her, but not on the same level she is interpreting this compassion. Alice went through a similar situation, after she had three kids she went through a divorce which shows the vulnerability of women to love and the deception that can accompany it.
Another component of love and the feelings of love for a man are revealed through a strong comparison made in the story by Edie in regards to the fiancée of Chris Watters, Alice Kelling. This comparison is one that is made of out of jealousy since Alice Kelling was already one step ahead of Edie in the quest for Chris’s heart and love.
“This Alice Kelling had on a pair of brown and white checked slacks and a yellow top. Her bust looked to me rather low and bumpy. She had a worried face. Her

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