
Literary Love Essay

Decent Essays

Love - possibly the most powerful four-letter word known to man. A feeling and emotion so strong that it makes it nearly impossible to put its meaning into words. However, it is also one of the most explored subjects in the world of literature. Whether in a comedy or a tragedy, the theme of love is very often expressed. This theme can be expressed in many different ways, for example, positively causing everyone to live happily ever after in a fairytale type of world, negatively being the cause of death and anywhere in between. In Aristophanes Lysistrata and Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, the theme of love is present throughout moving the story along through many trials and tribulations; however, Lysistrata is more of a love …show more content…

It is a tale of four young lovers who run off into the woods and fall in love with one another both naturally and under the influence of magic. Lysander finds himself in love with Hermia who is betrothed by her father, Egeus, to marry Demetrius who is in love with Hermia's friend Helena. The love quadrangle ends up playing out to two beautiful love stories for the four young lovers. Although these four are put through troubles of being betrothed when not in love, running away, being put under magical spells, they never give up on their true love for one another. For these characters did learn the hard way that " The course of true love never did run smooth" (I.i.134) But they never gave up their hope that all would end happily ever after.

There is a difference in desire versus love. Desire is a very strong want or longing when love is a tender feeling of affection and compassion. The men in these two stories express these. The men in Lysistrata show much more of a desire for their woman rather than love towards them. They seem to only want them for sex as Cinesias states, "I just want to screw." (I.i.1030) to Myrrhine, his wife, who refuses to break her oath to the woman and have sex with her husband. Her love for peace is stronger than her desire for her husband while her husband's desire for sex is stronger than his love for his wife or he would respect her decision and understand her cause.

The young men in A Midsummer Night's Dream,

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