
Literary Response Essay On 'The Yellow Wallpaper'

Decent Essays

Literary Response Essay on “The Yellow Wallpaper” My essay is going to be one "The Yellow Wallpaper." This story was very confusing to follow. I read it about three times and I think I got the grasp on it but this is my response/ interpretation on the story. There is a woman named Jane, her husband John and John's sister Jennie. They go on a summer vacation, they are staying in a house and Jane doesn't seem to like it. She is forced to stay in a room that she doesn't like and it reminds her of a nursery. I'll get more into it in the next few paragraphs. Jane trying to tell her husband what is wrong with her but because he is so strict and only believes in what he thinks, he ignores her. The story is basically her “diary.” Jane is the narrator of the story, the story is in first person. She just got married and is a mother and she is suffering from depression. Jane seems like a nice lady. She has mental issues and tries to deal with them but she has to bottle them up and pretend her depression is only mild. No one really knows what goes on inside her head. …show more content…

John is not only her husband, he is also her doctor. If he is her doctor than he should act like a doctor, He treats her awfully and she already has depression. He forbids her from doing the thing that she loves and keeps her sane and he doesn't understand how it affects her by taking it away. Jane becomes obsessed with this yellow wallpaper in the room her husband chose for them to stay in. I think that it' just horrible that she is suffering that bad. Becoming obsessed with wallpaper and thinking you are trapped inside is really sad and no one is really helping her. They are just bossing her

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