
Literary Theorist Edward Said's Words On The Effects Of Exile

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Eric Thompson 8-28-17 AP Lit Brave New World Literary theorist Edward Said’s words on the effects of exile are especially true when looking at the novel Brave New World. Said claims that exile is, ”strangely compelling to think about but terrible to experience,”. He also describes it as enriching experience. Living in exile can create drastic changes in a person, both good and bad. One example of the effects of living in exile can be found when looking at John, who is more often referred to as the Savage. John was first exiled by the people of the Savage Reservation in New Mexico. John reveals his separation from the other savages when he explains that, “they dislike me for my complexion. It’s always been like that,” (Pg. 117). John had lived alone from a young age, but it wasn’t his fault. His mother was a visitor from England who got lost on the Reservation. She believed in everything that “civilized” people were taught. She had no idea what love was and slept with any man she desired (Pg. 126). This created a hatred towards her among the savages, which was also directed toward John. He was ridiculed and disrespected by the town’s people. He was not even considered for roles in sacrificial rituals, which he so badly wanted to take part in (pg. 116-7). Though, as terrible an experience that exile was, it benefitted John in many ways. Because of John’s exclusion, he learned to fend for himself. He learned to read when nobody else in the town could. At age twelve, John

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