
Literature Review Of Primary Caregiving In Children

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Critical Literature Review
I will be critcally reviewing primary caregiving within my home centre, researching literature to understand the role of the primary caregiver, secondly caregiver and other teachers that are involved. I will be looking at strategies that can be implemented to ensure caregiving is maintained within a team.

Primary caregiving
The primary caregiver has full responsibility for the emotional well-being of a child creating a bond through responding to the child’s needs for feeding, changing, sleeping and comforting them when they are hurt, or displaying excitement when the child suceeds at a task. The emotional well-being of children is nurtured through receiving well deserved attention(Early Childhood Education Jounral, 2015). To receive quality care a child needs to form a secure attachment with a primary caregiver. The perspective on the attachment theory is a strong foundation, a basis of evidence that guides the primary caregiver to establish the most effective strategy to nurture a child’s emotional well-being.

The attachment theory in early childhood Education is a primary caregiving system establishing an allocated educator as the primary caregiver of an individual child, who takes a key role and interest in the child's day-to-day experience thereby becoming the 'secure base' for the child within the centre (Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 2011). A ‘secure base’ for a child is the ideal attachment style which unfortuntly does not

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