
Literature Review of Fast Food Industry

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With today’s hectic lifestyles, timesaving products are increasingly in demand. Perhaps one of the most obvious examples is fast food. Today the demand for the, hectic lifestyles, timesaving products are increasingly. Obliviously one of the example is Fast Food Industry. The rate of growth in consumer expenditures on fast food has led most other segments of the food-away-from home market for much of the last two decades. Since 1982, there is growth rate in consumer spending at fast food. The consumers spent at fast food outlets grew at an annually he proportion of away-from-home food expenditures on fast food also increased.
Ref: , Causes and Consequences of Fast Food …show more content…

But according to new survey the restaurant's location may be the biggest factor in fast-food purchase decisions. Consumers that fast service is less important than the convenience of getting to the restaurant in the first place. Twenty-six percent of adults surveyed by Maritz Marketing Research of Fenton, Missouri, say that a convenient location is the most influential factor in their choice of fast-food restaurants. Men are more likely than women to value convenience, at 31 percent versus 23 percent, and those aged 65 and older value it less than younger adults.

Ref:, Fast food for thought
American Demographics, May, 1996 by Pamela Kasdan

Kathy, think to improve upon meal preparation franchises, became involved with Meal Creations as a way to allow busy families to eat diverse, exciting, economical meals taking advantage of Schnucks unrivaled products and ingredients, accomplished chefs, and their outstanding original recipes that are easy to assemble and prepare. Meal creation involves customer satisfaction and need to serve home cooked, tasty, and nutritious meals for family and friends Custom designed menu for an audience who appreciates quick and delicious mealtime solutions. To provide customers quick and healthy options for mealtime Meal Creation allows you to customize delicious recipes that suit your family’s

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