
Literature To Me Research Paper

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Literature to Me Literature is defined as a written work typically considered to have lasting artistic value. In January, I started this class with an idea of how this semester would go. However, I was unknowing of the amount of literature I would be reading throughout the duration of this course. We began with poetry, then we started fiction, and lastly we finished with drama. I felt that I had a pretty good grip Each of these topics; what they were, types of each, and I thought I had a pretty good idea on how boring they all were. Now, it is May. I have read several poems, a handful of fiction stories, and watched a play. What I have learned through that is, maybe, I did not actually know what I was thinking back in January. I have learned …show more content…

Although, I was never a big reader. Throughout this course, I read some stories I had read before in high school that, at the time, I thought, were boring, but now ,I had a new-found appreciation for them. It was incredibly weird for me, but I liked them, and I actually wanted to read more of these stories. My favorite story that we read in class was “Killings” by Andre Dubus. Again that was one of the stories I had read in high school, but this time it was different, it was better. At the end of the story when Matt Fowler had killed Richard Strout, I thought that they had killed him because he had tried to flee, but after reading it the second time I found that, actually they were going to kill him all along (Dubus, 107). Since I never really read before this class I missed a lot of things in my readings, but I was shocked to find so much more information the second time I read this passage, it was exhilarating how much better the story was this time around. Although I did not mind fiction before, after studying this section I found the importance of fiction inside of the classroom as well as outside of the classroom. Nancy Sweetland, In her article, The Truth About Fiction, says that as a child she loved fiction, but then realized the fake stories were silly and she needed to learn about “real” things. She felt this way until she began to raise her own children, when she revisited these books …show more content…

I had been in plays and watched plays, but, I never really could understand what the big deal was, until now. When we watched the play, Much Ado About Nothing, I was not too thrilled, but I wanted to give it a chance. To my surprise, I ended up liking the Shakespeare play. In watching the play I learned a lot about the societal norms that I do not believe I would have picked up through the covers of a history book. For example, when Beatrice says, “ I cannot be a man with wishing; therefore I will die a woman with grieving.” It shows how women were unable to take any action at the time (Branagh, William Shakespeare’s, Much Ado About Nothing). It shook me to see the reality of the mistreated of women of the time period, but it showed me the real progress we have made since then and how much further we can go. I find bigger importance in drama now than I did before this class, and can see the bigger affects it has and can have in the classroom as well as outside of it. Outside of the classroom dramas are used to show audiences the problems in things in a humorous and tragic way. For example, in the play Much Ado About Nothing, the song that plays throughout the story is filled with lyrics that not-so-subtly define the difficulties that women needed to “deal” with at the time. For example, the line “Men were deceivers ever, One foot in sea, and one on shore, To one thing constant never.” This

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