
Shakespeare And The Taming Of The Shrew

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Analyzing Shakespeare’s plays as it turns out is both very complex and very gruelling. The plays were ahead of there time, dealing with and including subject matter that was ‘offensive’/ kept hushed by society at the time of publications. The four plays studied by Shakespeare share many similar patterns. Including, but not limited to oppression regarding gender, religion, race, and general hierarchy, revenge stemming from personal betrayal, and negative relationships, specifically between fathers, and their daughters. Reception is crucial when studying Shakespeare, looking at scholarly criticism, live performances, and varying adaptations. Performances, and adaptations especially, which directly impact perception, should always be heavily considered. Performances because, they add body language, gestures, character contact, silent interaction, and specific casting choices. But also, because Shakespeare wrote his works as plays meaning his vision was for them to be performed on a stage. Adaptations on the other hand because they have zero responsibility to follow Shakespeare’s vision as with movies it becomes the piece of the director and is often only ‘inspired’ or taking ideas from the original texts.

The Taming of the Shrew demonstrates oppression in the form of sexism. Katherine is essentially bought by Petruchio who only wants to marry her because her father has money. “Thus, in plain terms: your father hath consented That you shall be my wife, your dowry ‘greed on, and

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