The global issue i will be researching is littering. I will research this issue because littering is a big problem in our planet. Littering increases pollution, something that most of us humans don't believe and don't care about. A change must be made so that planet earth can be safe for the future. We are not responsible for our own trash and toss it out anywhere since we don't see the cause and effects of littering and how much it hurts our planet. Throwing away trash is not rocket science and its an easy task. Anyone can look for a trash can and throw it away there. It's not hard to wait to throw out our trash in a garbage can.
Littering initiates with almost anything, construction and demolition sites, households, industries,
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It is not only harming us but animals as well. Littering comes from construction sites, people that eat at fast food places, pedestrians, people that drive over 50 miles a day, and many more. "9 Interesting Facts and Statistics about Littering - Litter. It Costs You." Litter It Costs You. N.p., 18 Nov. 2013. Web. 29 Feb. 2016. Has been proven that 75% of the American population has littered or still til this day liters. Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, n.d. Web. 29 Feb. 2016. 50% of that litter come from cigarette butts. Most people in the U.S are not aware that there are fines for those who are caught littering. Apparently people don't seem to care about those fines because they keep doing it. "Statistic Brain." Statistic Brain. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Feb. 2016. In Denver, Colorado the lighting rate is 52%. People don’t seem to care about this issue because they don't see these numbers and don't realize how bad this issue is. Americans have such ignorance; their blinded by their surroundings and it's sad to know that no one is willing to make a change. It's important that WE make a change now before it's too late. Littering has gone to an extreme that it harms our animals; a major reason on how they are becoming extinct. We are causing these harms to everything around us. We have to make a better future, and what better way than to stop …show more content…
So I did. Littering increased drastically after the Industrial Revolution and it hasn't changed since then. Littering is not just done by irresponsible, care-less people; but it also costs a lot of money. "Statistic Brain." Statistic Brain. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Feb. 2016. In 2013, The Denver, Colorado department of public safety announced that the cost to pick up litter rounds up to 11 billion dollars in the U.S. That should be an unnecessary expense but it stays this way because littering laws and fines are not enforced the way they should. If more people would get fined for littering, i'll guarantee that the ltering rate would drastically increase. Littering damages our oceans and animals. 1.9 billion tons of litter end up in the ocean every year. "Littering Facts and Statistics." Green Eco Services. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Feb. 2016, ” An estimated 100,000 of marine mammals and turtles are killed by plastic litter every year around the world” according to the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection. We are the reason why animal go extinct it's our fault and people need to realize that. Fast food eaters also cause this issue because they find it easy to just toss out their trash than to toss it at a garbage can for a matter or laziness. Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, n.d. Web. 29 Feb. 2016. 54.4% of Americans are lazy to walk to a trash can. Throwing trash away in
The Problem I will be addressing is the delince of the oysters in the chspeke bay. The community needs to be aware of this issues more and a little bit more education on these oysters and ways they can help save the oysters. I have some proposals.
Many people today don’t even see littering as a crime. Everywhere you go whether its streets, towns, or beaches there always seems to be an abundant amount of trash in the area. The fact that we Americans keep continuing to litter is horrible, it’s as if we think littering is a joke. A particular situation with littering happened to me as a student while in high school. We had taken a campus field trip to the beach every student was allowed to bring food, drinks, and even their own ice chest. As it was time to leave our supervisors notice all of the trash we students left. We thought it was no harm and continued to walk to our bus, but our supervisors didn’t like that. So they decided to make all of the students to pick up the trash we left and then they gave us a lecture about littering. As you see the adolescents are starting to care less about minor laws, my experience shows that this reality is becoming
When you are driving down the roads of Miami County, all you see is litter. My vision for the future of Miami County is to have little to no litter on the ground because it looks better, is better for the economy, and is better for the animals. Less litter is better looking to the eyes and is less trashy looking. That makes it look very trashy and makes it look like we all don’t care about the Earth and what shape it’s in. Less litter is also better for the economy, for the ground, and also for the water. Litter is very bad for the earth. Litter in the water can kill organisms. Litter on the ground pollutes the soil, which can pollute the plants that grow in the soil or can stop the plants from growing. If animals or humans eat the plants that
Littering can be a major fire hazard, all its takes is one discarded cigarette butt into a pile rubbish to ignite a towering inferno of sadness. If we litter too much garbage will pile up and will grow a harmful bacteria which would make us sick. It
Global warming and the greenhouse effect were some of the negative topics that I researched. After further research for each topic, I became aware how I contribute to global warming. On my way to the park, I was driving my car and then it hit me. I remembered that for every gallon of gas used, our cars are accounted for 24 pounds of
Have you ever thought about what the Eastern Shore would look like without so much waste? Throughout the Eastern Shore there is garbage everywhere, all because people don’t think twice about where they put their trash. Littering is a very serious problem it causes pollution, which is the reason for global warming. When you litter you’re polluting the air; polluted air is very dangerous for your body. Also when you litter you may receive a ticket that's not really worth it, when you could throw your trash in the garbage can. So, stop littering and help make the Eastern Shore beautiful again by picking up the trash around you.
Much of this trash ends up in the ocean harming not only marine life, but us too. However, this is not only happening in America it’s happening all over the world with China at 8.82 million metric tons of mismanaged waste. All this waste if caught in a gyre, can lead to one of the garbage patches. This has been happening since we started using plastic but it the garbage patches were discovered in the early 1990’s. We keep throwing trash away that keeps being misplaced, then it ends up in the oceans with the rest of the trash. I propose multiple solutions, to enforce plastic bag ban and to enforce recycling. California has banned the use of plastic bags, meaning that if you do use them a fine will be put in place. Environment California explained how before the plastic bag ban California used up to 19 billion plastic bags each year with less than five percent being recycled. However, we can change that. By using less plastic bags we harm the ocean less. Another solution is to each week collect each household’s trash, per pound of trash found in the recycling bin provided by the city should be a $11 fine. Tiffany Edmonds, Solid Waste Management Department spokeswoman, explained why they started the fine “ It is an attempt to change behavior. The fine covers the cost of sending a garbage collection truck to the house to pick up the contaminated recycling bin” this will encourage people to recycle. Since the plastic
What could be a project students at my school can do to help the community? There are tons of things to do like pick up trash along the school grounds or the road. We could have fundraisers to help the community raise money. There are all kinds of things to do, but the trash on school grounds and along the road is really ridiculous.
Store Survival Kits and gather together to wrap up the day with a quick recap:
Imagine someone tossing a cigarette out of their window. That cigarette gets blown onto someone’s yard and is eaten by their pet. That pet could become seriously sick because of someone else's laziness. According to, over 51 billion pieces of litter land on U.S. roadways each year. That is just roadways. For that cleanup, America spends 11.5 billion dollars each year. 9.1 billion of those dollars are paid by businesses, with the other 2.4 billion being paid between schools, government, and other organizations. Another reason why if all this littering could be disposed of properly, America would have much more money put toward other important
Years ago, hoarding was thought to be relatively rare, however in the recent years more and more research has been done on understanding, evaluating and treating this disorder.
My third reason for believing something should be done about the trash on campus is that trash can cause very unhealthy environments, especially in schools. My first source was the survey I sent out. Two of five people said that trash can pollute environments and carry germs. I think this is very bad! This means that trash doesn't pollute one environment, it can pollute most of the environments around it! My second source for trash polluting environments was This site said that “land pollution can be one of the most visible types of pollution. You see trash outside of buildings or on the side of the road (that part made me think about the trash on campus). You may see a large landfill or dump. This type of land pollution
Littering is one of the biggest environmental issues we face today. Littering affects us all, from humans to animals and our surroundings. The careless act of littering from a simple piece of plastic thrown on the ground can clog storm drains or that piece of plastic may go straight to the ocean and harm wildlife. Littering is a health hazard which causes harmful bacteria and germs. Removing litter from the environment costs everyone money. Littering is the most important environmental issue our nation is facing because it is done so easily and carelessly. People do not realize how much we spend on cleaning litter every year or how it affects us all. The practice has become second nature, we have avoided to educate ourselves on how this affects us in the long run. Littering needs to be minimized or if possible, completely stopped if we could help it because we are doing more harm to the earth.
It may seem harmless and innocent, but littering is an unhealthy habit people of all ages in each country do every day. Littering is a second nature to some people; after doing it for so long and often, they do not realize they do it. As more and more people continue to litter, environments, animals, and humans are being harmed by people’s carless actions. Americans, as well as all humans, need to be more aware of how hazardous and costly littering is to the world and the creatures living in it. Littering shows lack of respect for the world, and needs to be prevented in order for future generations to live in a clean and healthy environment.
Did you know that littering could damage the environment. I believe that people should pick up trash and not litter everywhere it could be a fire hazard also it is bad for people's health and it is bad for the environment. littering is a fire hazard. Also it is bad for the environment and it's bad for people's health. people's health cares and if we don't pick up the trash and stop littering we will be endangered and so make sure up stop littering and pick all of it up.