
Living Healthy As A Vegan Research Paper

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Secrets To Living Healthy As A Vegan
By Heather Richards
Nov 22, 2008
I have lived most of my life as a vegan. Growing up with my parents and siblings, I was exposed to fresh meat products more than fresh fruit and vegetables. I decided then young as I was that vegetarian (for Me) is the way to go. As I became of age, married with three children, I decided to try and become a full on vegan, much to the disgust of many people around me. I became ill due to lack of nutrition in the foods I was consuming and the very little and limited knowledge of vegan foods and what was required to remain healthy.

Everything around me seemed to contain animal products. Given it was 20 years ago I have perfected the "Art of …show more content…

This can be true if you don't look after yourself properly and eat healthy.

How many people do you know that actually are true eating vegans? People that really practice the art of "Healthy Eating". What we put into our mouths is what we become. I can relate to this remark in many different ways. "We are what we eat'" However I truly believe that each person needs to be able to understand and determine what their body requires at every moment of the day. We don't just eat for pleasure.

I know that pleasure has a lot to do with our choice of foods in life, but we need to truly focus on the other reasons why we eat! "Energy & Health" our driving force to walking, talking and playing. "Food" in all aspects of translation very much so has a huge influence on how we act and what we do. The old saying that we must put petrol in the car so it can run for another 500kms, simply means that we must fuel our stomachs so we can function for the rest of the day. The Question is, "Do we want to Simply function or do we want to be energised and full of life for the day? I know which one I would

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