
Logistics Service Quality: A New Way of Loyalty

Decent Essays

Logistics service quality: a new way to loyalty
Irene Gil Saura
Departamento de Comercializacio´n e Investigacio´n de Mercados,
Facultad de Economı´a, Universidad de Valencia, Valencia, Spain
David Servera France´s
Facultad de Estudios de la Empresa,
Universidad Cato´lica de Valencia San Vicente Ma´rtir, Valencia, Spain
Gloria Berenguer Contrı´
Departamento de Comercializacio´n e Investigacio´n de Mercados,
Facultad de Economı´a, Universidad de Valencia, Valencia, Spain, and
Marı´a Fuentes Blasco
Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales, Universidad Pablo de Olavide,
Sevilla, Spain
Purpose – Now-a-days, logistics research focuses on the ability of logistics to deliver a quality service and generate greater satisfaction …show more content…

Stock and order management, warehousing and transport are logistics activities which can benefit from the new opportunities offered by the technologies to organize new forms of supply chain relationships. Given the relatively recent application of ICT to logistics management, however, there is yet no clear understanding of how ICT are applied or of their impact (Feng and
Yuan, 2006).
This work presents an in-depth study, in an inter-organizational context, of the relationship between logistics service quality (LSQ), with a particular emphasis on its defining factors and customer satisfaction and loyalty. We also propose to determine how logistics ICT influences this consequence chain. Our objective therefore, is to examine the moderator effect of ICT intensity on said variables, in other words, we want to analyze the influence of high levels of ICT in comparison to low levels of ICT on the perception of LSQ and how this can affect satisfaction and in the final instance, loyalty. The study is divided into three parts. First, through a literature review we define the theoretical framework for examining the different consequence chain variables.
Secondly, we establish the methodology used in the empirical research and evaluate the results obtained. Finally, we report the most significant conclusions which can be drawn from this study.
2. Theory development and hypotheses
2.1 Logistics service quality
Since the mid-1980s,

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