
Lolo-Personal Narrative

Satisfactory Essays

My alarm quickly slapped me in the face at exactly 8:00 am.
Time to go to school with the big tall grey buildings that anyone can get lost in. I really don't have any friends since they are all in their little groups, but won't include me since
I'm weird one. The one who has the puffy red curly hair that eats half of her face that is already covered by freckles, then there was Eleysanis. The “queen” of the school. The one everyone wants to be. To be honest I would die to be her.
She has the perfect smile and the perfect sleek shiny long black hair and the one who everyone stares at when as soon as she walks by and has the ability to become friends with just about anyone, then there was the parrot. Lolo is her name.
Parrot is the name

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